For Oscar

Well I guess the postings of some dude with the handle "Truth First" on a public blog proves everything you have ever said about Obama? Who am I to argue with such irrefutable evidence?

It's really too bad that all you see is failure in everything the Government that was established by us to serve us has enacted to help us.

I know that if our Government was gone tomorrow and we as a nation relied on the mythical magic of the free market everything would be wonderful. There would be no poverty, disease, pollution, war or pestilence, because the free market and free men would do what was right to make it so.

That is why we have the history that we have isn't it? Not because of greed, the quest for power, or narcissism.

Obviously we would be better off with a privately postal service where you have no legal right to privacy. But I fail to see where you get off saying it is broke? Do you not get your mail? Do you really think the Fed Ex would deliver a letter to you as quickly as the USPS for $0.46?

Social Security has actually worked rather well, and keeps millions of elderly Americans out of poverty, housed, clothed, and fed. I know you think it would be better if SS didn’t exists, because if it didn’t people would somehow be forced to become wealthy to pay for their old age, even if they are unable or incapable of earning a decent wage to allow them to save. Apparently everything was great during the Great Depression, so FDR decided to ruin it with Social Security. I know you think the poor are only that way because they choose to be. Never mind most blue collar jobs that use to pay well have been off-shored or that banks pay ½% on savings these days, the current deregulated stock market is a safe place to save. SS is obviously bad because you say so, and the Republicans have been trying to kill it for 74 years.

Fannie Mae allowed millions to afford to buy a home. Not until the Free Market Deregulators were put in charge of it and were allowed to turn it into an CMO casino that it got into trouble, just like all those Ivy League B School Hotshots who crashed the economy and are now voting themselves billions in bonuses with our money. But hey that’s the magic of the free market, that’s Capitalism!

The war on Poverty is a failure, because there are still poor people, right? Forget the fact that the poor have always existed. The fact that we as a nation chose to help the less fortunate, but that they still exists proves your point. It obviously would be much better to let them starve or rely on private charities. And then if they steal food, we can jail them because that’s free?

Medicare is a great system for paying for health care. It was created because the wonderful private insurance companies would not insure people over 65 years of age or would offer policies at premiums most could not afford, and many retirees were going bankrupt paying for health care. The fact that you hate it because it is “Socialism” is your problem. I hate to inform you but we live in a Democracy, and Democracy and Capitalism are not synonyms. Democracy means we get to choose the best ways to do things. When it comes to health care Private Insurance is the abysmal failure not Medicare. I don’t know as much about Medicaid, but I do know a lot of wealthy people set up asset divestiture trusts so they can use Medicaid to pay for their long-term care if they become infirmed and need to be in a nursing home and not have to burn up their fortunes so they can leave it to their kids. So it must not be too bad.

Freddie Mac – see Fannie Mae above.

DOE a failure? Well, considering that we have had Republican Administrations for 20 of the last 32 years, and Republican Control of Congress for 12 of those years, and every time any legislation was proposed to raise CAFÉ standards or invest in developing alternative energy, the Republicans and Corporations have done everything in their power to thwart it. Also, Republican Administrations have appointed Secretaries with ties to the Companies DOE is to regulate or were hostile to “Green” technology. So it is disingenuous of you to now call it a failure! Why hasn’t your magical invisible hand of the Free Market solved our energy problem yet?

I personally haven’t failed at anything we are talking about. The fact that the people you apparently admire and defend have no interest in doing anything that may remotely benefit you and work diligently to make them fail, does not make me a failure. Do you not see what the form of cannibal capitalism (Reaganomics) that has been practiced in this country for the last 28 years has done? If you honestly think that the financial state of the USA is due to the social programs you cite or ACORN, well then there is no need to argue the point further?

I may be crazy for taking the time to answer your post. I have no illusions that you will actually think about anything I have written. But I don’t think all Americans are imbeciles! Just the ones who watch FOX News, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reily, or vote Republican.


On that note, I know I have said this at least 100 times. I think all the news orgs are jokes. I think all the politicians are evil money grubbing scum balls. Yours and the ones you think I am supporting with a message that the Government destroys everything it touches.

So here goes.

The postal service is broke due to out of control costs, in management and the unions. Not that it doesnt bring in enough money.

S.S. is broke because the lying scumballs in power in BOTH parties have taken the money that comes in out of our checks and spent it on other things before they even get it. NOT NOT NOT because SS is bad idea or was designed to fail. It was caused to fail by human greed and stupidity. Again back to those that held the purse strings STOLE the money for other uses.

Fannie and Freddie (my God man please for the love of God read who was in charge) Hint.... start with Barney Frank. Just study on it man, not at some democrats are good repubs are bad site, just study on it your self and see what really happened.
The Sobs need shot.

The war on poverty is just that. A war to maintain poverty/class warfare/lack of education/and drug use. Wanna stop poverty??? I sure do!!!! Education and oppertunity free from drug wars is part of the key. The other is not rewarding out of wedlock, absentee father choosing women to have children. (I know I know you have a liberal talking point about what a ass I am but seriously that is where it comes from and it was pointed out what would happen when it started) Legalise and tax pot, no jail for small amounts of cocaine, lsd, mushrooms, and other NON life destroying drugs. Execution for meth or manufacturing.
Legalise prostition so the people that work in it are not a hidden second class of citizen.

(Notice anything here??? Do I REALLY SOUND LIKE A REPUBLICAN?????????????? Do you really have any reason to dismiss all that I say by saying I am a conservitive and stand against all that you believe??????)

The DOE and the Enviromental people are locked in a battle of stupidity. Along with the NIMBY folks. We absolutely have to produce our own energy. The concept of pouring our hard won dollars out of the country for the abilty to get to work to make more dollars is insanity. Drill here, Drill NOW (again I know this statement has been demonised by the leftard media but it works) We have the reserves, we have the ability to pay less, add a tax on top of domestic energy to be used for energy research. Not pie in the sky bull crap solar farms, not corn industry subsidy to thier congressional or senate buddies. Real honest to God research. Nuclear power works!!!! Build the G.D. things. LOTS OF THE THEM!!!!!!! Tons of the Them. Put the US Navy in Charge!!!!!! Why???? You ask??? They are accident free because of very very very well thought out procedures. Wanna get the government involved in stuff???? Build reactors!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Use oil and gas for portable power, Use NUCLEAR of electrical generation.

On the last part I do actually think about what you wrote. I wish you would grow up a little bit and try to have a discussion with those you disagree with instead of dismissing them as mindless drones of magical overreaching republican conspiricy to make the left look bad.

Again I think both parties are crooked and stupid, lying scumballs and seriously advocate the execution of them all for treason against the United States.

The country is rapidly approaching the point where the differences in ideas between the two parties is so great that there can be no reconcillation with each other.