Florida goes nuts.

for those that want to run too, remember, many police cars are equipped with a pair of binoculars. If there is a second officer, capable of handling them, you'd better be a long ways in front of them at all times, or someone is going to get your plate number.
Heaven forbid there is a helicopter in the area with a FLIR as well, do you guys have any idea how well those cameras zoom in?

IMHO, if you're a runner, I seriously hope they scrape you off a tree someday.
Now don't get me wrong, I do my fair share of speed runs, but I'm mature in my thinking and if I get caught, I man up and pay the price. I won't further risk myself or any other person on the road for my initial stupidy. Cut my loses and move on with life.
Holy smokes dude. I see why your posts are being edited. Seriously hope your joking. If not I can promise you will not be on this site very long.

Here is the deal though, in addition to 50 over, the law also says if your front wheel leaves the ground 10,000 fine 5-10 year lic suspension. IF YOUR FREAKING PLATE IS MOUNTED SIDEWAYS 10,000 fine 5-10 year lic suspension.

This is obviously a anti motorcycle law. None of you have went 50 over? None of you have done a wheelie? None of you have your plate mounted in a way the police may not like?
Holy smokes dude. I see why your posts are being edited. Seriously hope your joking. If not I can promise you will not be on this site very long.

Here is the deal though, in addition to 50 over, the law also says if your front wheel leaves the ground 10,000 fine 5-10 year lic suspension. IF YOUR FREAKING PLATE IS MOUNTED SIDEWAYS 10,000 fine 5-10 year lic suspension.

This is obviously a anti motorcycle law. None of you have went 50 over? None of you have done a wheelie? None of you have your plate mounted in a way the police may not like?

Forum rules state:

Disallowed specific topics
We're all about freedom of speech, however there are some topics that don't belong here, such as:

Running from the cops.
Police bashing/slander.
Breaking the law.
No satanic threads/links etc.
Any form or racism PERIOD.

this thread has two minimum topics against stated rules, and I'm really a bad guy for having a personal opinion against people who freely would run from the cops?
This is why we just need sections of the highway (that aren't through or around major cities where traffic gets way backed up) to have no speed limit and like 4 or 5 lanes on each side in those sections. Most people wouldn't go much faster than what they do today, because their cars would wear out much faster, etc., but people could also go pretty much as fast as they want within reason for the conditions, and they wouldn't get in trouble, unless they wrecked. There could be like a mandatory $500 ticket if you wreck and another $500-$1000 one if you wreck and hit someone, plus whatever the insurance companies would do.

It would be safer because the vehicles would be going the same direction as the ones around them, and people would have an incentive to speed safely because of the special tickets or something.

Who knows, just an idea.
I think that 50 over the limit deserves a $1000 fine, i also believe that it considered felony speeding and accompanies Jail time. if they have that little regard for their life, and the lives of those around them then they should have no regard for their $1000...
As a rider and one in law enforcement (though not patrol), I see no problem with the $1000 fine and the brief jail time that will usually accompany it. However, the loss of license is ridiculous. I could see the loss of MOTORCYCLE ENDORSEMENT for 1-3 years though. Now, applying that law for the front wheel leaving the ground is a bit much too... I don't know the exact wording (never looked it up) but if the same punishment can be applied to the guy riding the wheelie through traffic as the guy on an empty road who's wheel comes up a couple of inches from a hard launch then there's something wrong. And to apply any of this to a sideways mounted plate on a cruiser/chopper is downright insane.
50mph over the limit ....if you are stupid enough to do that when you know what the penalty is then ride over 50mph, pay the money and don`t whine.

50mph over the limit ....if you are stupid enough to do that when you know what the penalty is then ride over 50mph, pay the money and don`t whine.


50mph over the speed limit is nothing... There are roads in Florida with nobody on it and on the interstate on some areas its a straighaway with the smart drivers staying on the right.

People go over 50mph on Honda Civics and Toyota Corollas, there is no way bikers aren't going to surpass 100mph when the road in front of them is clear even for a brief period of time.

It really depends on personality. Some people have more outgoing and adrenaline seeking personality and are capable of traveling those speeds safely. I would never reccomend doing it through traffic but going 115mph on a good road with no obstacles is far from stupid.
The way I see it; Speed limits are set and enforced for the safety of the average motorist in an average vehicle and in the worst weather conditions.

Speed limits aren't meant to account for driver skill or high performance vehicles. That's the job of the highway patrol.

Unfortunately this means that operators who have such gear and skilz are held back by these constraints and there's no way for a trooper to fairly ascertain that information so we're just left with the individual discretion of that particular trooper (which is usually biased or otherwise flawed)

In my opinion, we would need more strict licensing requirements and driver training in order to justify an increase in speed limits. But that means that it would be harder for new drivers to learn or for eldery drivers to keep their licenses... (which is a good thing imo :Flip:
That is, until it's your own grandmother, aunt etc that has to have you come over every week to take them out to do their errands)

The road system we have isn't perfect, but to improve it would either cost too much money in "unnecessary" construction, or time in extra training or vehicle requirements which would also cost money and people would just be too lazy to make the transition.
my opinion is worth less than two cents...but here goes, I agree with the fine...1000 seems fair...for the 50mph over....i think the wheelie should also be 1000 and the license plate thing is just rediculous.....the loss of your license for 5-10 years seems a bit harsh....they don't even do that for repeat drunk drivers! I think a 3-6 month suspension of your license would be more fair...but as we all know the beaurocracy above isn't intrested in "fair" they're intrested in "money".....:spank: