Flipped the bike..........

yeah thats what i keep getting but i just feel like i could have reacted faster and had a better outcome. :( rotten luck it wont happen again.
Don't be so tough on yourself, it's a 50/50 after hitting oil that you will stay on. Diesel is the same. My worst bum puckering moment was on a patch of Diesel. One second I was just riding along, next second the bars went from lock to lock. A minor miracle that the only casualty was my underpants.
Good luck
Yall look at the picture of the stator itself and let me know if that is still usable. Notice that the green electrical shrouds have come off of the copper pieces, and the copper that's wound around the spool is also exposed now; please let me know.
Yall look at the picture of the stator itself and let me know if that is still usable. Notice that the green electrical shrouds have come off of the copper pieces, and the copper that's wound around the spool is also exposed now; please let me know.

The picture didn't load on this laptop (does it show on your puter?) but from what you describe, I would think its toast...

I'd PM Cliff (Motogiro) and ask him to look at your picture. I'd take his word re the stator as gospel myself..
uhm.............FinalImpact too (Randy)..

Someone, not long ago broke off the rt side frame arm and engine mount due to a fall with a bonnin. You do some searching on the forum under parts for sale. Someone may post a good place to re-wind it as well...
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Yea, that don't look good.... What did it rub/hit against?

With those inner tabs busted, bent, gone, its likely toast but wait for another opinion...

At least ya got the bolts broke loose!
yeah i think so too.... breaking those bolts sliced my thumb open. at least it was on the last one. i pm'd moto earlier. once i get a definite answer ill buy one.
I PM'ed him too, I think he's on the forum, he was when I sent the PM...

You fell friggin hard on that side!!! The PO of mine laid it down on both sides(different times) but not nearly as torn up as yours, just the case needed replacing, not the stator..
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im ok with buying one. what about the cylinder thing thats on the bike?? its scratched from the staor smacking it.

Thats the rotor (magnets inside), can you post a picture of it?

You'll likely be ok with that as the cover took most of the force, the stator looks lke it got the balance of it...
Just got home! Got your PMs.

Wow That stator took a nice hit!:eek: There is an enamel on the actual copper winding and it looks as though the impact on the broken case parts drove the stator against the rotor casing. I see some bent tabs. It looks as as though some enamel was knocked off the copper winding. First straighten those metal tabs. Then make sure the winding sections are not bent backwards. If that all seems straight, then use an ohm meter to check the 3 winding. Put your ohm meter on X1 range. The windings should give you .22 to .34 ohms also check each of the 3 wires to the metal case of the stator assembly. Make sure you get solid metal contact through any clear coat that they may have dipped the stator assembly in. Scratch some off the metal if needed. You should have no continuity between any of the 3 wires and metal case/ground. If all is okay electrically then get some acetone and clean those broken insulated areas to clean any oils off. Mix some epoxy glue/resin and recover those areas that were hit. Recheck and if it's good electrically you should be able to re-install.
Edit: And yes make sure the rotor runs true with no interference.

See attached. :)
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LOL thanks for gracing me with your presence. as always your the man. when i get a chance to head up to my shop ill run the tests and if it all checks out ill grab some epoxy. you should start charging $5.00 per answer. well i'd be out $20.00 bucks by now. never mind........