Fix/Clean Frame Rash?


Noob on bigboybike
Jul 5, 2013
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San Diego
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Hello all I am not sure if this belongs in this section. I know that this topic is not a mechanical issue. I am getting further along in my project bike and would like to clean up a pretty bad case of road rash from the frame. What would be the best way to do so without having to sand it down. I don't mind painting the frame later but would need to fill in the area first to make it smooth. So if anyone has any ideas on how to make this look nicker I would greatly appreciate it. I was thinking JB weld and forming and sanding till it looked the same as the other side.

Same scrape different angle..
First off, this is a cast frame so stress points can lead to cracks. That said, that's a pretty large section so it should be OK.

I suggest you get a very large file or something like 60 soft grinder pad and smooth down the larger sharp edges to reduce the risk of cracks starting in that area. You don't need to grind them smooth just take the tops off and smooth the edges. Clean the area with acetone or prep-sol and fill it with all-metal. Its Aluminuzed Bondo. It sands like bondo too. Shape it just like bondo, rough it in with 36 grit leaving it high (just after it flashes off and begins to harden).

After that its just standard filler action. quick block with 80, then 120, prime it. Touch off with 320 and see how it looks. PS - don't use files and sanding blocks/grit that have been in grease. Let me know if you have any questions.
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Any place that sells bondo. FWIW: regular bondo will do too but find the ALL METAL..... Its a good product for the application as its very brittle in nature unlike the soft bondo. My point, if your frame cracks, this isn't going to hide it. No one wants to see this, but if it happens I want to know!

USC All Metal Quart