Fit riders unite.


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Apr 12, 2009
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Hey, so the geeks are uniting, just wondered if there are any athletes on here who want to unite?! Because I work well over full time at a desk job, I already struggle to find time to maintain my fitness, never mind finding time to ride my motorbike. In fact, I'm contemplating selling the motorbike because my priority is my health - I can't maintain it while on the bike - and I can't afford to go to the track enough to actually make motorbike riding count as "exercise". Unfortunately, the mental health benefits of riding really don't outweigh the risks of not getting the exercise in the small time frame I have. Anyway, are there many other "athletic" riders out there?
Is anyone here a veterinarian?

...cause these puppies are sick!!!!!!!!!!!

This is me: BodySpace - zmeiaspas's Photo Gallery

I used to be really into being in shape, I used to run, swim and hit the gym 2-3 hours 6 days a week (hour of cardio in the morning and 2 hours in the gym in the afternoon). I was eating 10 times a day and was counting each and every calories I was taking.

At this point in my life I looked like this

View attachment 25233

... and then I got my bike, started work (yeah, working out 2-3 hours a day ... the benefits of college) and I also started working on some personal stuff aimed at making me some $$$$ on the side. When my bike was not winterized I was working till 5:30pm and just hopped on the bike and rode every single day from 5:30 till about 10-11-12pm (and all day on the weekends). Now, I'm working till about 6-7-8-9pm and then I continue working on my stuff till I decide it's time to go to bed.

That lifestyle has managed to totally screw up all the progress I made in the past 3-4 years and I'm again a skinny-fat slob. For some reason my priorities are no longer Fitness - Fitness - Fitness but rather Riding - $$$$ - Fitness ... and I'm a dumb ass for not finding 40 minutes every day to get back in shape :spank::spank::spank:

Damn it was so much more motivating when I didn't have to pay a ****load of money for a gold's membership and I could just go to my college gym for free instead ...
pretty fit... I ride about 7,000 miles a year on a bicycle... plus some snow skiing and golf.

I am 52 ....have a week of skiing next week in Utah ... then in April an 18 day 840 mile ride on the bicycle
I'd say I'm in good physical condition, I don't need a gym, my job is a workout, I load tractor trailers in a sub zero freezer, I spend 12 hours a day throwing and stacking 20-30 lbs cases. My riding time is to and from work, or in the evenings.
I consider myself fit although I am not ripped or anything. Been working with the iron gym thing in the doorway and it is actually surprisingly fun to use which is great because i dont work out if i dont enjoy the kind of work out im doing.
I've been a runner for the last decade having spent my 20s curled up inside a bottle. This year I'm doing the Gold Coast Marathon to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis (Shameless plug alert: Everyday Hero - Where Living is Giving)

I'm also finally getting my black belt after 22 years trainng on and off and pushing my wife (and she's pushing back) as she gets fit enough to get into the police.

I find time at 6am or at lunchtime or make sure I make time after work (sometimes after the kids go to bed).
pretty fit... I ride about 7,000 miles a year on a bicycle... plus some snow skiing and golf.

I am 52 ....have a week of skiing next week in Utah ... then in April an 18 day 840 mile ride on the bicycle

Uh. 7K/year on a bicycle? that's pretty amazing hard-core :rockon:.

I work out a little here and there. I have two 25lb dumb-bells near our back door and I do a little workout (try to do daily but it works out to at least every other day) somewhat regularly. I try to add push-ups and sit-ups (during commercials breaks) -- I don't have a set time, I just drop and do them when I have a few minutes. If it's remotely nice and dry outside, I walk the dog and do a medium jog to help him get his workout (he's a Yorkie but pretty fast). At work, I will hit the gym (in work clothes -- jeans) and do a little 10 minute workout.

My workouts are not about trying to "get big" -- tried that for years and it's just too much work and time. But, I workout so I can keep in reasonably good shape to do the things I want to do (like ride and possibly pick up my bike if it falls :D or just go up the stairs and get to/from where I want to be).

My wife doesn't cook much so I don't have problem with eating a lot :D.
When we go out to eat, I avoid the expensive meals knowing that those are the best tasting but the worst in terms of health -- e.g., nice juicy steak (expensive but not good for you). If I eat out, I will save some for later so I don't get too full.

Also, to save money, I will not spend money on a new wardrobe to compensate for weight gain -- I will take the cheaper/better way out and just lose some pounds (usually on the waist).

Enough about me. You'all should stay fit -- at least enough to be a kick butt rider :rockon:.

Runner and cyclist here too. I started running when I quit smoking 7 years ago and have happily kept it up. I run a half marathon every October and several 10k races per year - it's good to have races to train for to keep me at it.

This June I'm planning on doing a sprint triathlon, so I'm ramping up on biking and swimming. I've been a cyclist my whole life, so that shouldn't be a problem, but as far as swimming goes, my goal is to not drown :BLAA:
I had a pretty bad infection in my knee a few months ago, pretty much recovered now, I try to go to the gym at least twice a week, and take the dog to a nearby forest where I'll go for a 30 minute run, usually get to 6km (so about 3,7 miles) then just jog back to the car.

the first thing that hits the gastank on the bike are the nuts, not my stomach :Flip:
Well I was a cyclist for a while then I got into power lifting and was doing sets with 225 weighing 160. Then I wrecked the motocycle and seperated my shoulder and am now getting back into things. Gonna drop 10-15 pounds and then decide if I wanna be cut like I was when I was on the bike, or strong like I was when I was lifting. My circulation aka veins suck so i'll never be competitive as a runner so i'm leaning towards getting jacked.
I do everything I can. Wakeboard, snowboard, tennis, bball. Boxing is my passion. I've always been injured. Just finally had my shoulder repaired last summer. I ballooned up to 215lbs of fat from a nice lean 180. Definitely hated myself. Finally getting back in the gym. I'm down to 200 now. It all depends on what I want to train for. speed, strength or size.

I should be good by this summer.
I've been lifting weights for about 20 years now. Was a personal trainer for 6 years, but that was about 12 years ago.
I hit the gym 4-5 times a week, for an hour. In the summer, I bike 3-4 times a week (both mountain and road). In the winter, I snowboard nearly every weekend (in VT right now.. heading up to Killington tomorrow).
Here's a ghey (not that there's anything wrong with that) pic of me at my leanest:
