Fishing Pole Mod?


Premium Member
Aug 3, 2008
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So the girlfriend and I have been fishing a lot lately now that spring has finally arrived in the frozen tundra of Minnesota. Yesterday, while staring lustfuly at my bike, I wondered if anyone has tried to mod a fishing pole holder to the bike for traveling? I mean combining two great things riding and fishing does it get any better? Two thoughts came to mind first, I want the contraption to be easily removeable. Second, I want the poles to stay secured on the "Twisties". Now I'm looking to the forum for their experience in mods and helpful ideas.

So far i'm thinking of something like a pole holder on a boat like one of these,
Mainly because the angle of how the rod would sit is adjustable and there is a pole "lock" on the holder itself.

Shoot me some ideas guys and gals :thumbup:
Haven't seen any fishing pole mods but I've seen plenty of surfboard mods from SoCal when I lived there. Maybe some locals can help provide some hints?

Seems like a good idea if you can break down the pole to a smaller size?
I never tried it for a motorcycle, but on my mtn bike I had a rear cargo rack that I zip tied two 14in. pieces of pvc pipe to at about a 45 deg. angle. I cut a notch out of the top of the pieces so the reel could slide into it and not move around, then used a small bungee cord hooked into the bottom of the pvc, up and over the reel, and hooked into the bottom again. Worked perfect. I rode all around Corpus Christi, Tx. fishing the flats.

I dont know about attaching them to the bike but I've carried my fishing poles broke down in my backpack already. I just poked them out the top and used the double zipper to keep them in place.
Your idea sounds good to me, and RAM also makes fishing rod holders you may be able to use. You would just have to figure out where to mount it. I was thinking maybe near the rear reflector mounts, but I am not sure if they would be strong enough. You may have to fabricate something to hold the mount.
I've got it zip tie them to your mirrors and you can have that surf fisher / cross country trucker look. :D

If you get something figured out let me know.

I have been wanting to do this since I got the bike.

Now where to put all those fish I can't catch. :D
Thanks all :thumbup: I will definitely try out a bunch of ideas and see what works best. I will try to get on it next weekend sometime seeing as this whole weekend I will already be busy fishing and :iconbeer:, but I will for sure post some pics of the finished product.
I'd sure like to see what you come up with. I just put it in my back pack normally, but what it i wanted to catch bigger fish? and this is my first post!
At the proper angle, you could troll while riding on those roads that travel right along the edge of the lake/river.:D It will be interesting to see what you come up with.