First triple digit heat 2008


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May 5, 2007
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Got a bit toasty here in Vegas today, we hit 105 F, thats about 41 C. Suppose to get even hotter tommorow. I had to ditch my riding pants since they were not mesh:mad:. I ordered some from Cycle Gear this afteroon, hopefully, it will show up within the week.
Same here...Went around town trying to find some fork seals, and when I got home my undershirt was pretty much soaked. I have a mesh jacket coming on tuesday, but not soon enough.
Sorry guys, we have to pay extra to get it in the 70's with no rain lately. Enjoy the heat....
I'd trade you all this rain we've had over the last couple weeks for the heat any day. Of course I say that now, but I know if it were that hot here I would be bitching too.
Wow toasting already! When we were there in August just the other year it was a roasting 43°C. So hot when I went to the R/C field at noon, people were packing up their heli's and going home. Guys were saying to me, Daryl, you wanna see us fly you gotta come out at 7:00AM in the morning. Who knew? At least one guy didn't disappoint....:thumbup:
Wow toasting already! When we were there in August just the other year it was a roasting 43°C. So hot when I went to the R/C field at noon, people were packing up their heli's and going home. Guys were saying to me, Daryl, you wanna see us fly you gotta come out at 7:00AM in the morning. Who knew? At least one guy didn't disappoint....:thumbup:

Looks like a Raptor 30 too me! Glad to see you're getting some flight time in.
Hah,hah, that wasn't me, just a local. Not sure how today's airport security handles helis as carry-on or check-in, even though guys do it heading to the XFC. ;)
Got ya beat vegas, it was 109 here today. Just freaking miserable....can't do ANYTHING!!!!!!!!! :mad:
I was getting all excited when we hit mid 20's the other week :eek:

Got any business analyst job over there and people happy to pay for relocation LOL
hey at least have cold water, right?? Our "cold" water comes out at 100 degrees in the summer :mad: There's no escaping the heat. Alot of people die out here in the summer. Some people don't have A/C. There was a lady that was found dead in a kiddie pool last summer....she obviously had no A/C.

I've been running the A/C, 24/7 for about 1 1/2 months now....nice healthy electric bill. :D
How does the FZ handle the heat? What kind of coolant temps are you seeing?
I've only done a little stop-n-go driving so far in upper 70 weather and kinda surprised to see coolant temps rise to the 200-205 range. Wondering how it will handle same traffic in 95+ weather.
How does the FZ handle the heat? What kind of coolant temps are you seeing?
I've only done a little stop-n-go driving so far in upper 70 weather and kinda surprised to see coolant temps rise to the 200-205 range. Wondering how it will handle same traffic in 95+ weather.

I don't have an FZ6 :eek:

but my husband does and he has ridden it in 130 degree complaints.
In about 80-90f during stop and go, while stopped at a light, my temp gauge crept to 225(reading the from the top radiator hose).