First crash EVER, in ~26 years of riding


Howie Mandel's evil twin
Elite Member
Apr 28, 2009
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Pittsford, VT
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Everyone told me it comes with the territory when riding on the track. The more you do it, the more you want to push your limits.

I pushed mine today (I think).

Anyway.. low-sided at about 65-70mph. I'm 100% fine. (just bruised few fingers). Gear did an amazing job and held up well. I will need new gloves, but only because palm sliders are worn to nothing.. don't want to crash with these again. Not a scratch on the helmet :cheer:

Bike damage: cracked crankcase cover (leaking.. needs replacing), bent steering stop and a snapped off swingarm spool. Bike held up amazingly well... big credit to Woodcraft frame sliders.

Next track day is Sept 1st.. can't WAIT to ride that corner again.. and not crash (hopefully).

Saddest part: I crashed out on the 2nd lap of my 1st session. That was end of my day.. 4 hours of driving for 3 minutes of riding :rolleyes: :rof:
Better on the track than out on the streets....but we all know you wouldn't push like that on the streets!
Glad you weren't hurt Eric.
So you crashed on your own, and didn't get taken out by another rider correct? So are there any pictures of you going down by the staff photographer, or do you have it on video?

FYI.....track day's don't count. So your still good, doing a lot better than me. I haven't collided with anything but have had several lowsides due to slick conditions out on public streets. That's the risk I take for riding in such crappy weather.
So you crashed on your own, and didn't get taken out by another rider correct? So are there any pictures of you going down by the staff photographer, or do you have it on video?

FYI.....track day's don't count. So your still good, doing a lot better than me. I haven't collided with anything but have had several lowsides due to slick conditions out on public streets. That's the risk I take for riding in such crappy weather.

Yup, took myself out. There may be pics, but it was kind of the last thing on my mind to go and check them. Video would have probably been pretty good, but also a great chance the camera would've gotten destroyed. Glad I didn't have it on the bike.
I once almost hit a turtle crossing the highway (outside a cross walk)! Maybe worth investigating...
What do you think took you out? Too much speed for the turn? Or do you think it was a track condition?

Combination of factors:
1. I was tired (stupid of me to not rest up the day before)
2. Changed bike geometry. Slid fork legs up 5mm and it while it made the turn-in quicker, which was what I wanted, it felt like the bike kept *falling*.. not standing up on its own. Perhaps I took away too much trail.
3. Tires may still have been cold.. this was only the 2nd lap of first session.
4. I was trying a new to me line to see if I could get more drive out of that corner, while also closing the door (not letting anyone overtake me on the inside)
5. (Combined with all of the above).. I likely got on the throttle too hard before I stood the bike back up enough.
Combination of factors:
1. I was tired (stupid of me to not rest up the day before)
2. Changed bike geometry. Slid fork legs up 5mm and it while it made the turn-in quicker, which was what I wanted, it felt like the bike kept *falling*.. not standing up on its own. Perhaps I took away too much trail.
3. Tires may still have been cold.. this was only the 2nd lap of first session.
4. I was trying a new to me line to see if I could get more drive out of that corner, while also closing the door (not letting anyone overtake me on the inside)
5. (Combined with all of the above).. I likely got on the throttle too hard before I stood the bike back up enough.

Damn im glad ur okay man! ill let u use my warmers next time out im not going back to the track this year lmk
Combination of factors:
1. I was tired (stupid of me to not rest up the day before)
2. Changed bike geometry. Slid fork legs up 5mm and it while it made the turn-in quicker, which was what I wanted, it felt like the bike kept *falling*.. not standing up on its own. Perhaps I took away too much trail.
3. Tires may still have been cold.. this was only the 2nd lap of first session.
4. I was trying a new to me line to see if I could get more drive out of that corner, while also closing the door (not letting anyone overtake me on the inside)
5. (Combined with all of the above).. I likely got on the throttle too hard before I stood the bike back up enough.

Well with all those possible reasons, I'm glad you came out alright!

It seems like, from your list, a lot of those can be avoided/fine tuned. The next track day should be killer once you get that line down and get the forks adjusted to just the right height. :thumbup:
I kinda figured something happened when you txt me today. Happy to hear you are ok:thumbup: Good news is you got me out of work early todayBlah I had just stopped at the gas station when I got your txt.
Sorry to hear about this Eric.:eek:
Some scary stuff there but the most important thing is that you yourself are o.k.. :thumbup:
My bet would be cold tires and you just had a birthday.

That combo is nothing but trouble.

Very glad you are ok, when is the next rack day :thumbup:
Holy cow Eric, happy belated birthday, and I'm very sorry for your spill, but like all have said; thankfully it was on the track and you walked away fine and in very good spirits.

The last point about getting right back into it is totally accurate - DON'T take time to think too deep into it or you'll psych [sic] yourself out!

Stay safe brother!! :thumbup: