First Accident


Junior Member
Nov 12, 2012
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Waco, TX
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Well, I lurk around here mostly, but I just layed my bike down for the first time and I thought I'd post. I was leaving school this afternoon and hit some gravel on a corner. The front tire wash out and the next thing I knew I was sliding down the road and my helmet was bouncing off the ground. Luckily, I always wear my protective gear so I'm still mostly in one piece, however i might have broken or dislocated my right thumb. It's pretty swollen and it hurts pretty bad, but that's the extent of my injury. I hurt my pride a lot more than i hurt my body. The bike is in pretty good shape. Luckily the frame slider took the brunt of the fall. It scraped the fairing a little and the end of the handlebar. Sadly, I cant ride it because of my thumb, so I had to get a friend to drive me home and I had to leave the bike at the school. Moral of the Story, stuff happens when you least expect it.
make sure you get your thumb checked out ASAP too

if it's broken then the sooner they can put it in traction or a splint the better
Glad you are ok and damage to you and the bike is minor. Be sure to get that thumb looked at tho:thumbup:
It's all part of the learning curve in my book. Sounds like you were prepared for the chance of going down and that's most important.

Check out something called Arnicare by Boiron. It's a homeopathic gel/cream (gel is better). I put my bike down almost 2 weeks ago now. Jammed up my thumb pretty good as well. Thumb brace for compression (mine was 20 bucks at Walgreens), icing for 2 days and Arnica. By day 3 I was back riding no problem. A quick way to check if it's broken is if you have a tuning fork (or just rev your bike up to 6000 rpms and touch the spot you think is broken to the bar end. Isn't it ironic that Yamaha's logo is 3 tuning forks, and their bikes have the vibes) The vibration will vibrate the bone where it is broke and hurt like a SOB, if sprained it will hurt but not that bad. so if you go the doc will tell you to wait 2 or 3 days anyway til the swelling goes down before getting a good xray.

Of course all that goes out the window if it swells so bad it turns purple right away or if you go to press on your finger nails and you cant squeeze the blood out and watch it come back in (capillary refill). If either of those happen, go to the ER.

BTW I'm a doctor so I'm kind of familiar with the whole process. Always go visit your own doc or urgent care/ER if you are concerned.
Glad you're okay! You've just joined a not very exclusive group so don't feel bad. :)
Sorry to hear about your off :(, pleased to hear you was wearing the gear. Hopefully your thumb will heal up soon.

BTW :welcome: to the forum :thumbup:
Glad to hear you're almost totally fine!

I know the feeling... I went down at 35 on thanksgiving morning.

For repairing, check out Ron Ayers Motorsports

It might take a bit for the parts to get there, but they're OEM, brand new. My spill was at 35, and I ended up with about $275 to fix everything.

Good luck and heal up quick!
Sorry to hear about the event, but so glad you were geared up. It is the only way to ride. You have now joined the elite group who can talk about safety, using the sentence "...and let me tell you why!".

Get the thumb looked at and get back on.
Glad your ok mate, welcome to the hall of shame. If the base of your Thumb is really sore just go and get it checked out.
I ruptured my co-lateral ligaments coming of my bike at a lowish speed.
I didn't realise at the time as I thought it was a sprain. Eventually I got it examined because the pain didn't settle and I had reduced power.
Don't ignore it.
Neil (Resident ED Nurse)

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Well I got to go to the doc 3 times this weekend. It is broken. Not too bad, but i'm gonna have a cast for 3 weeks minimum. So I can't ride during that time. :( good news is it should heal up just fine. The bones were a little out of place, but he got them back straight. Unfortunately, he forgot to give me a shot to numb the area before he reset the bone. It hurt like hell.
Glad you went and got it fixed up. By the time you can ride again the worst of winter should be over. Broke my foot falling off my Ninja 250, was a small bone so no cast just wear a good stiff book (ya mean like a motorcycle boot - they said yes) while it heals.
Good thing you went in and they were able to get a good xray. Not much in the way of a shot they could give you local to numb up setting a bone, outside a hit of morphine to give you full body pain relief. At least you didn't need any plates/rods/screws, I get those guys in all the time and they never get over their pain.

You can up your vitamin D, Vitamin K, Vitamin C, Boron, Strontium, Magnesium and Calcium to speed up bone repair. Jarrow Formulas Bone Up is probably the cheapest and easiest combo to find. Also homeopathic Symphytum Officianale "Bone Set" 30c speeds up bone healing as well. I had friend with a compound femur fracture from a car accident, and the Doc kept thinking she was 2-3 weeks ahead of schedule because she got better faster