First 100mph+ Ride

I run across lots of people who if you pass then just a little bit faster than they are going they will speed up and block you but if you go by with some authority then they just let you go. It's a dangerous and crazy world.

That's the imaginary rubber band effect I referred to in last post. If you just go by with some authority then it snaps the rubber band and there is no longer a connection. But, if you just go by slightly faster then they get all competitive.
That's the imaginary rubber band effect I referred to in last post. If you just go by with some authority then it snaps the rubber band and there is no longer a connection. But, if you just go by slightly faster then they get all competitive.

The thing I find annoying is guy that goes 35 mph in the curves and the second they see a straight away then mash the pedal into the floor. Not that big of a deal on my bike but it sucks when I am driving my car.
I think about the whole "what's around the bend" thing often. I see other riders whipping around blind corners, and even on roads I'm familiar with I still can't take that chance.

Very wise! Because it's the roads that you're most familiar with that you're at most risk!

Simply because people make the mistake of riding according to what they saw (as in the past).....and not according to what they actually see NOW!
The thing I find annoying is guy that goes 35 mph in the curves and the second they see a straight away then mash the pedal into the floor. Not that big of a deal on my bike but it sucks when I am driving my car.

I do find that I go slower on unfamiliar curves. But if I'm in a group and can see the lines and trust the guy I front to be looking through the corner it's easier to keep up speed. Familiar streets its time to get the knee down. Lol
It's great, it's wonderful, it's dangerous, it's orgasmic and it's habit forming. Had mine since October of 2009 and it's seen (at least) 100 mph every single day that I have ever ridden it. It is habit forming. Hey, I don't drink or smoke. What doesn't kill you....

What I love about these bikes is they just like to run there. I have found that mine just really seems to settle down and tends to seek out 123-125 mph all on it's own. It likes to run there, obviously.

I agree with Townsend, eleminating your entry and exit points will prevent morons from pulling out in the event you're on a speed record. Having concrete barriers on both sides will eliminate most wildlife from crossing the roadway too.

"Wildlife" is an excellent point! One night, just about dark, I was cruising at 72 mph and a wild-crazy deer shot out from my left to my right. (Well you all already know about deer verses reaction time = nada) Honestly I saw two back hooves, (hoofs?), fly directly in front of my face as we each felt the air off the other! Danged deer...there wasn't even a deer crossing sign anywhere to be seen!
I have read where some members have installed deer whistles on their bikes and though I have not, I surely keep thinking about doing it just because of that one event!
Thanks for bringing up "wildlife" my friend. Safe riding!
This has been an awesome read... Sitting here wondering why I'm not on the bike. I missed my window (ie-5:AM and 65deg. rather than now, 8:40 and 77deg. headed for 100 in a few hours). Tomorrow!

I have felt all of these emotions in my short 2 years with the FZ. I have sought out the lonely backroads to let the throttle out to the max and see what she could do. At 130mph I was satisfied, and had had enough.

Now I am focused on cornering. Our group rides here are defined by those who have mastered the art. A look around the "A group's" rear tires will reveal no trace of a chicken strip. I should add that our rides are what I would consider quick, but not balls to the wall fast. We're not racing, but knees do go down.

The power to drop the hammer on the freeway is there if you need to get around that semi, or the chick in the Camaro talking on her cell phone. But that's the same power that will keep you absolutely glued to that 20mph hairpin that you're pacing through at 50. Now that's riding! :thumbup:
I pushed mine going over a concrete, 4 lane, divided bridge (over a river, so no side streets, police, etc). I could easily see 2 miles ahead as well as NO traffic to deal with. 133 MPH (still saved on my Speedohealer), and it was still pulling hard but I was starting to come up on the other side so I backed off.

I generally know where the police run speed traps at, but we do have un-marked (don't look like police cars at all) so in town, I try to keep it under 10 over the speed limit. How fast I get to the speed limit, well, :rolleyes:

Whats really un-expected, I tend to ride much closer to the speed limit as the open Scorps sound fast.

I've been stopped more times on my old Kawasaki KLR 250, zipping around a corner (stock, super quiet exhaust) (no chicken strips at all on those Perallies(SP?), and NEVER (knock on wood) been stopped on the FZ.

bridges are a good testing ground, so long as the winds aren't terribly strong. i rode to the Barber museum last year, and over the TN River i hit some quite illegal speeds (my posted was well over 125) with my bags on the bike.

also you cant worry too much about things while you ride, it will deplete your mind. sure i think about each corner i come up on, but if i took it easy every time, i would have stopped riding by now. there are plenty of times where i come around a corner at warpspeed thinking "if something's there, im F***ed" but i only ride like that on roads where i know i can.

Ride smart, not worried.
This has been an interesting read to see the views and styles of fellow members. My style is to maintain a near constant speed throughout the journey and where the corner gets tighter go faster as it's far more of thrill to me than being ticketed going 100+ in a straight line. That's not to say Crisis doesn't see those speeds but those are calculated risks based upon threat to me (deer, traffic, LEO, etc), none of these should be present or have opportunity to lash out unexpectedly.

My view is to learn all I can by my choice not by circumstance. That is, how far will it lean, how much can you brake in corner, how quickly can we transition from full speed ahead to full stop or switch lanes etc. I enjoy finding the limits of my abilities and from this we have learned a good deal together, the key being don't panic or get ruffled no matter what happens.. .. ..

Yes, I've had a couple of moments that caught my attention but so far so good.
Had my '07 FZ6 for only a week when I joined my nephew, niece's husband and another guy at Ridge Motorsports Park in Shelton WA for a rider training class held by Optimum Performance. Had a GREAT time, even if it did rain off and on all day. Learned way more about the bike that I would have in months of "regular" riding. I've had dirt bikes, dual purpose bikes and cruisers, but never a true sports bike. I now even look forward to going to work when the weather's nice. Oh yeah, I hit 100+ on the track, but only to say I did it. Much more fun to zoom through the twisties.
this bike loves 100mph....the real thrill is how fast u can get to that speed, its like my civic Si on steriods.

Anything over 50kmh where I live , I lose my bike , licence and insurance sky rockets, I always keep that in the back of my speeding mind.