Finally got wet!!


Junior Member
Jun 4, 2009
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I've had my TW200 since April 3rd. This morning I headed out towards the mountains at 7am. Hit rain 1/2 way thru Tiejeras canyon and turned back to more sunny weather. Rode around Tramway Blvd. and kept my eyes to the South where I knew rain was coming shortly. I Met a friend south of the airport and after 15 minutes it started sprinkling. So I started to go home to the north and with this crazy desert weather we have... the sprinkles turned into a nice steady rain with wind gusts to about 35 mph! I don't mind the wind but the only waterproof piece of clothing I own is my new Cortech jacket! So after 7 1/2 wet miles later I pulled into the garage with wet gloves, wet slacks, wet shoes, wet socks, and wet underwear!!! But my t-shirt under the jacket was bone dry!!! The jacket was worth every penny. Funny thing is I ordered Cortech pants on Friday! Wish I would have had them today. I don't think I like the wet weather riding!
BTW I have $800 down on my '08 FZ6 Raven!!! Will prob get next week!!
When I saw "Tramway Blvd" I thought, this guy lives in Albuquerque! I lived there in the early 90's; yeah, the weather can change quickly, and violently, down there! (I got to ride in the rain today too, my jacket liner is waterproof but doesn't work too well in the closet by itself.. :rolleyes:)

Congrats on the new bike coming! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: