Fazer rider respects


Oct 10, 2007
Reaction score
South Africa
This weekend was the Toyrun in South Africa, over 50 000 bikers across the country uniting to donate toys which end up in some of the poorest orphanages in the country.

Toy Run bikers party all the way - IOL Motoring Bikes, Quads & Karts | IOL.co.za

There's a good overall account of how well it went down. I was HM for the Johannesburg ride, although i was stuck at the end venue and couldn't ride on the day. This thread isn't about me though, it's about a guy with the name of Devon, who is still quite young (23/24) and rides a fazer exactly like mine, a silver '05.

He helped out last year, and showed such enthusiasm that we made him second to the HM that was supposed to marshall the main ride. As things went, everybody dropped us this year, except for Devon, who stuck around and listened to the rest, learned how to plan and execute the ride as safely as possible, and how to co-ordinate several thousands bikers safely. At the end, we made him HM, with a team from the CMA, who weren't marshalls, just people helping out.

At the end venue, all i heard was praise for both the run and the marshalls, and every marshall complimented Devon on his attitude, planning, people skills and safety awareness. There was 1 breakdown which was safely delivered to end venue at the same time as the rest of the riders.

Devon was a shining example of a biker. A doer, with a clear head, ready smile and keen mind. RESPECT :rockon:
Anybody know if we have anything like this in the states?
Good on you guys over there for coming up with something great like that! :thumbup: