Favorite Cereal?

but do you still open the box by the bottom to get to the toy first?

Well if you pull the bag out of the box before you open it, you can see where the toy is, then you just shake it around til it's right on top!
Well if you pull the bag out of the box before you open it, you can see where the toy is, then you just shake it around til it's right on top!

I didn't know they still put toys in cereal!!!!
I'm a massive fan of Nutri-Grain. It's the breakfast food of champions! When I was a kid I used to have 6 Weet Bix topped with Nutri-Grain and museli. It's an australian thing!
I'm such a fan that I once went to an "N" party as a Nutri-Grain!
i tried some different kashi ones a while back. yuck. literally tastes like your eating the cardboard box topped with some sugar. flavor FTW.


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I am at work reading this thread and laughing my butt off. My brothers and I grew up on cereal. My parents ordered their food and had it all delivered once a month. So there were literally boxes of:

Captain Crunch Berries (before they screwed up the berries)
Cocoa Puffs
Lucky Charms..

We also did get the Count Chocula, Boo Berry & the Frankenberry

One of my recent favorites is the Rice Krispie Treats, although they discontinued it.
