Ever been laughed at for "gearing up"??

I haven't heard a single peep from anyone about my gear aside from asking if it takes a while to put on. I like to think I look kinda bad-ass in it personally!:rockon:
A friend of mine asked me why I was preparing for a crash. I told him in the unlikely event that either one of us crashes today I'll be prepared to visit him and his wife in the hospital. On Monday night I was talking to a guy and told me he crashed last year and the doctor told him that if he was wearing a helmet it would have killed him. I said "really how bad were you hurt? He said a few bumps and bruises. So how would the helmet have killed you? No answer!
That has got to be the stupidest thing I've ever herd!!! How in anyway can a helmet kill you? Unless someone takes it off and starts whaling on your head with it
That has got to be the stupidest thing I've ever herd!!! How in anyway can a helmet kill you? Unless someone takes it off and starts whaling on your head with it

I've heard that from two different people! I told one guy he needs to find a new doctor because he was going to get you killed! It's like a doctor telling you "Your lucky you weren't wearing a seatbelt in that car crash, if you hadn't been thrown from the car you would have been killed!
:Im With Stupid:
Another firefighter and I were just talking about this today. He rides a Harley and it was refreshing to see him wearing a full face helmet. He informed me that every fatal motorcycle crash he has been on the rider what not wearing a full face helmet. That's enough reason for me!
"Your lucky you weren't wearing a seatbelt in that car crash, if you hadn't been thrown from the car you would have been killed!

Believe it or not, this is the case for my dad (although he wasn't thrown from the car, he was pushed into the passenger seat).

Doesn't stop me from buckling up though.
Well there are a couple ways a helmet CAN injure or kill you. It is possible for a helmet to increase the chance of neck injury. Also, if you do sustain a hard hit, the act of pulling the helmet off can acerbate the injury. I would like to think most EMTs would cut the helmet off but you never know about some back woods place.
It is about the numbers though, the chance of a helmet saving you is much greater than it hurting you. So it still makes sense to wear a lid.

I would still get a different doctor, plus I would report him to the medical board AND get that Dr a copy of the Hurt report.