Ever been laughed at for "gearing up"??

Yes it happends, sometimes even from my fiance's Dad. I welcome the conversation and consider it a opportunity to educate...but that's just me...I tend to like confrontations/debates so...
I'd love to take a pic, but he is a very good colleague of mine and being 6"3" at 313 lbs, welllllllllllll. I DON'T THINK SO!!!??:D
You can sensor out his face. I work in hospital to and wear scrubs, out of interest how does his attire fit with the hospital infection control policy?

My thoughts exactly! But I guess it's no different than somebody telling you what to eat. You can either eat healthy or junk food, it's your body. It gets very hot here in Vegas during the summer and I always wear a jacket, gloves, helmet, and boots. We will see how long I can put up with the riding pants. I will be switching my jacket and pants to mesh very soon. On the other side of this thread, I have been complimented by strangers regarding me wearing full gear as well.
Mesh will really help mate. I saw the other day in our hein gericke shop a cool suit. Im not sure how it works but its under garments. We obviously dont gat any where near the heat that you get but my mesh jacket is excellent. As soon as you start to move the wind just bloes through.

Yes it happends, sometimes even from my fiance's Dad. I welcome the conversation and consider it a opportunity to educate...but that's just me...I tend to like confrontations/debates so...
Does he have the same views with his little girl on the back?
I work in hospital to and wear scrubs, out of interest how does his attire fit with the hospital infection control policy?


He changes scrubs when he gets into work. I believe he just likes the freedom of wearing scrubs (it's almost wearing nothing i suppose). But he keeps it on for the ride home.
Or he wears scrubs so that people think he's someone important making him feel that bit higher in society...

Dont the management in the hospital not mind this guy using hospital issued scrubs for his own personal use?? i know they're thrown out each time you wear them but still...for him to wear them outside the hospital would imply that he never used them for work and acquired the clothing just for riding the bike.

Anyways, I think he's an eejit...like everyone has said already, i'd rather wear gear then have ass skin transplanted to my arms, chest and back.
In the UK people tend to look at you funny if you DON'T have on the proper gear. It will be strange to ride in the US where a lot of people don't.
I got a comment the other day that I looked like a gladiator. I just tell them, "Yeah is does look a bit silly but if I fall off I don't want to get hurt."

I'm waiting for the right day wear my track leather and boots to work, than should get the looks!

When I bought my fiancee her helmet, jacket and gloves, she told me she had been on motorcycles for years and had NEVER worn any PPE. I was floored. After our first 100 mile day she said she really like the helmet because it was much more comfortable then not wearing one.
Most of my non-riding friends tell me that they are glad I am responsible enough to wear gear. My riding buddies like to mess w/me about it but I tell them I would rather look like Michael Jackson on the ride than a burn victim after the ride. That usually shuts them up but they still dont wear their gear... except maybe a helmet. STUPID
Most of my non-riding friends tell me that they are glad I am responsible enough to wear gear. My riding buddies like to mess w/me about it but I tell them I would rather look like Michael Jackson on the ride than a burn victim after the ride. That usually shuts them up but they still dont wear their gear... except maybe a helmet. STUPID

Well Doc, one good slide down the highway at 65 mph will fix that problem!

When I was recovering from my big crash in '88, my room mate at the hospital was a 17 year old who had been ejected from a Jeep that was traveling very fast and rolled. No broken bones but he was 150 lbs of "ground chuck". That poor dude cried for days.
I look at motorcycles like Tiajuna...umm...ladys of the night (dont want to offend anyone.) In both cases, you want to wear as much protection as possible because you are going to get the ride of your life!
Well Doc, one good slide down the highway at 65 mph will fix that problem!

When I was recovering from my big crash in '88, my room mate at the hospital was a 17 year old who had been ejected from a Jeep that was traveling very fast and rolled. No broken bones but he was 150 lbs of "ground chuck". That poor dude cried for days.

yeah, I watched one of my dad's buddy's race a Camaro, low side, slide for 100ish yards, almost get his head ran over by a jacknifed boat trailer (w/boat), and have road rash from his finger tip to his pinkey toe... all the way through his armpit and all. he was laid up for a good four months. and DUI's suck. he had on a brain bucket and that was it.
They call me "Power Ranger" often when I walk into work with my gear on.

Who cares, they're just jealous because I'm the one riding a bike to work everyday and they're stuck driving their cages. :Flip:
........ He wears jeans, tee shirt, tupperwear helmet (1/8" thick that says for novelity use only) and no gloves. I say "nah just being safe ya know" Then he says "oh dont be scared":mad: Then I said don't be stupid!!!!!!!

What an idiot.. This ever happen to anyone else??

All the guys at my work ESPECIALLY the toughest, always gear up. I just don't get it that people think they are tough not gearing up :confused:
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Even the sportbike riders where I work usually don't wear a helmet, let alone proper gear. I've been laughed at for years for the way I dress to ride. Rainy days are usually the worst for me when I walk into the building with all the water dripping off the raingear.
I saw a big dude on a metallic orange 'Busa last night with his matching orange helmet hanging from the helmet lock. Over his head and face he had one of other skull face masks. Muscle shirt, shorts and sandels. My 7 year old son saw him and said, "Dad that man is stupid." I think having my son wear all the gear on our rides together has sunk in. He asked me why he had to wear all the stuff. I asked if he remembered the time he fell and cut his knee real bad and how hard he cried. He said, yes. I told him all the gear will stop him from getting hurt. He said, "Oh, okay."
All riders have this experience. I get these comments all the time. Who cares? If they feel that their skin will cope with burning asphalt better than a leather suit would, good for them. I don't feel the same. I just let them know what would happen even with a minor slide on the road surface.

The thing is, that almost everybody is a squid down here. They'll buy busas or R1s just to ride it at the cafe/club and back home. Don't know, maybe having a bike makes them feel that they are MEN. And MEN don't need gear. Most riders wear a helmet with jeans and t-shirts. Oh, and all of them will get gear as soon as they have their first crash...
These people have never had to accompany their friend to the hospital to have his road rash scraped clean without any pain killers. No one screams louder than the person with the wire brush in an open wound.

oh dear god