Enough Already!!!


Junior Member
Apr 16, 2008
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We've *already* set a record for the amount of snowfall in the month of April... We really *don't* need another 15 centimetres!!!

Winter weather returns to Calgary - Calgary - CBC News

We were finally able to shovel enough ice/snow away from the garage to get the bikes out for a brief scoot last weekend (the roads were largely dry and clear, our garage is in an alley and the door faces north), but this is getting ridiculous. I can barely see more than a block or so out my office window because of the snow. And I can see it piling up on the seats of the 3 motorcycles parked at the building kitty-corner to ours!
Yuck! Snow's been gone for a while here, but we have tornado warnings today :O
Yeah, Erci, you're getting today what slammed it's way through here yesterday. Those were some NASTY storms, although the truly awful stuff stayed to the south of Kentucky. Last I saw, there were over 200 dead from the tornadoes. Just terrible!

And to the OP...that sucks!!! Snow? Ugh. I'm so sick of ANYTHING falling from the sky. We've had about 15 inches of rain here over the last week and a half. Just wave after wave. Hopefully we're about to get a little break from it.

BTW, I hope any members down south of me are ok (Mississippi, Georgia, Tennessee, and especially Alabama)!
Here in the UK its been the warmest and dryest April since Methusela... I bet we will pay for it in the summer but hey! Been out and done some miles in the sunshine!
Here in the UK its been the warmest and dryest April since Methusela... I bet we will pay for it in the summer but hey! Been out and done some miles in the sunshine!

Same here in the Netherlands, it will probably change next week as we're on holiday for a week :rolleyes:

I hope the weather picks up for you guys soon :thumbup:
Thanks all! It's still snowing, but it's not actually sticking to the ground, just blowing around like crazy!

Snow, while annoying especially in April, is definately less destructive than a tornado! I do hope everyone down south is safe!

And a centimetre.... is more snow than you should have at the end of April!!! :BLAA:
It isn't that bad! I was riding in it yesterday, got drenched and could barely see. But it sure was fun! Calgary has the most evil weather patterns sometimes.
Don't feel bad Timberline Lodge up on Mt. Hood got 17" on Wednesday and another 15" yesterday. We will be skiing all summer at this rate. There has been wild weather everywhere this year. Mother Nature is pretty mean this year. :D
Missouri will trade you our rain with a up of tornado for some snow, we have been having floods and tornados left and right. Hope that crap ends up there.
It isn't that bad! I was riding in it yesterday, got drenched and could barely see. But it sure was fun! Calgary has the most evil weather patterns sometimes.

Glad you were alright! By the time I left the office, it seemed mostly just wet on the roads.
Yeah, the roads were just wet but the snow falling was brutal. I had about a cm just stuck on me, and every two seconds I had to wipe the visor. Leather weighted about 25lbs by the time i went my 15km. I hate when you have to keep appointments!

And I feel much worse for those in the south with the rain and tornadoes. A little snow is much better then watching your bike fly away in an F4 tornado