Dropped the bike...wouldn't start up for 10 minutes


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Aug 18, 2015
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Plymouth Meeting, PA
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So I had my first accident yesterday (hopefully the last) on my 09 FZ6. I was in Philly and a car slowed down and put on their left turn signal so, like I had done a million times before, chose to move right and go around them while waiting for them to turn. Well, it turns out they decided they were going right instead of left and turned into me. I was only doing maybe 15, and just bumped their car, but it was enough to send me sideways and the bike to the pavement. Luckily I essentially "ran it off" (i.e. I didn't actually hit the ground), but I was definitely shaken up.

My concern is, when I moved the bike off to the side and after checking out the damage, I went to start it up and it turned over but never would start. The check engine light was on but nothing seemed out of place. After about 10 minutes, it started right up no problem. Any ideas what could have caused this? I'm thinking I need to take it into the shop and have them take a look over it. It has ran fine since, but that worried me. I also need a new clutch lever so if anyone has one for sale... ;)

Lesson learned...I'll wait for the car to turn next time.

You activated the Tip Over Switch, (as designed) but it should have started right after that.

Did you turn the ignition off and on? If the right side pod got damaged, that switch is located under there. It'll say "UP" atop it.

Unless you have a code pop/show, the bike should be fine...

Curious about the crash, the roadway you were on, how many lanes did it have going in each direction or was it a single two lane road. And did it have a dedicated turn lane? Never assume, that goes for indicators, stop signs and green lights! Whenever I pass a vehicle that has signaled, I usually cover my horn (just in case) expecting something similar to your situation. And sometimes I will not go around the vehicle if I think the situation could just get messy.

I am not shy using my horn. I cover my horn frequently on every ride. It's like using a firearm whenever you feel threatened. Your hand is always on the trigger. Well essentially, that's how I ride. I see any vehicle that might become a potential hazard, I guarantee you my horn will be covered.
Glad you got away with it - and to quote my instructor "What does it mean if a car is indicating?"..."It means an orange light is flashing"
Wait until the car turns next time? Serious? Might be just as dangerous from behind getting rear-ended. Is there a police report? Sounds like other party is at fault. Why did motorist change mind----was there too much oncoming traffic and thus decided to abort left-hand turn you think? Were you waiting behind vehicle a long time (if so, you'd think motorist would've noticed you in mirror)? I'd be pissed if motorist did such a reckless maneuver. I mean, activating signal, stopping, and then suddenly turn opposite direction. Sounds like motorist originally intended to do a U-turn.and then gave up, decided to change strategy. Bike didn't start for 10 mins? I don't fire up right away when I get up from lying down in bed either.
ECU wants the key switched off and on, then it will allow it to run.
Do you recall just picking it up and trying to start it or did you turn the key off? After waiting; perhaps you turned it off then?
Glad you are ok!
To try and answer a lot of the previous questions in one post...

I was riding behind the car for awhile on a 2 lane road (1 lane each direction). The car in front of me indicated a left hand turn at a stoplight and stopped at the intersection to wait for oncoming traffic. I was maybe 4-5 seconds behind and slowed down to pass the car on the right. As I was approaching the car, maybe 10-15ft away, the car decided to turn right into a parking lot (I'm not sure why they decided to do that). I reacted as quickly as I could but couldn't avoid hitting the rear corner of the car with my front tire. It was either hit the car or run into a street lamp post. The bike dropped and I was able to come away with not much more than a couple of sore legs. The car didn't stop, and neither did any of the cars behind me. The other drivers behind me conveniently went around me and my grounded bike. The car looped around in the parking lot and drove off, and I know they saw me fall because I made eye contact with them in their mirrors. I didn't call the police as I didn't have any identifying information for the car other than the color and model, and I imagine nothing would ever come from it.

As for starting up the bike, I turned it off, picked it up and rolled it over into the parking lot. I can't remember if I had turned the key off and back on before trying to start it, but eventually did, so that's probably what the issue was.