Down and Out!!!

Ouch, that leg scrape looks pretty darned painful! Hopefully you recover quickly and get back on the bike. Were you wearing any sort of gear on your legs?
Ouch, that is going to hurt every time you bend your leg.

I had a bit of a scare this morning. I was coming down a steep narrow hill the makes a fairly sharp right, across a small bridge, just at the bottom. The road then goes up just after that. I have ridden this road on my bicycle many times and often do a little hop over the small metal expansion joint.

On the FZ6 I have yet to learn how to hop, and should have slowed down more than I did. I did manage to get the bike fairly upright as I hit the apron but the back tire still slid sideways a bit. Luckily I stayed up and reminded myself to slow the hell down at this spot.

ouch that sucks! at least the bike isnt too bad! and BTW do i even WANT to know what that is in the window?!?!?! JK lol:Flash:
OUCH! Rain grooves? Looks like you lost a fight with a cheese grater. Get well soon!
Sorry about the off! I was going to say the same thing Pete did RE: Cheese grater! Was that just normal jeans? (Pay attention nay-sayers!)

Heal fast!
Well...................sorry about your knees but at least you had the sense to wear your helmet! You might not have had a face left!
misjudged distance and speed.. did a head to the left for lane change/split.. look back to the front.. car was @$$ close.. hit the brakes, locked up and when down.. i was going about 40 mph.. yes, reg. jeans only..:(..

thanks everyone for the well wishes.. :Flash:
get better soon. Looks like you tore a tendon in your finger. When I did that to my finger, it led to 6 weeks in a splint for it to heal and for my finger to straighten out again. Hope that yours heals soon.
OUCH! Glad to hear that you are ok and it wasn't worse. Sure looks painful though.

Take care, get better quick and keep the sticky side down.
You need to get yourself some good riding pants. I just recently purchased some air mesh kevlar pants. I posted a review in the safety forum.

Interesting way on how and why you crashed. I have always thought that something like that could happen. Very unique but very possibile, as you make the lane change on a freeway, move over, the car in front of you slows down, especially if traffic is sort of congested, but still moving at a pretty good click. Sounds like you may need to brush up on emergency braking and make sure you know how to swerve, as in most cases, you won't have enough stopping distance to stop anyways, so you're just better off swerving.

Here's a link on the tear abrasion strength for various materials in case you are considering getting some gear for your legs.
Ouch! Glad you made it through ok. That jacket probably helped a lot. I sometimes want to wear my jeans but then I remember "All the gear, all the time" and put my mesh Tourmaster pants on instead. And carry jeans in a backpack.

Road rash really sucks and it's painful. I remember wiping out going 40 and bouncing off the road twice, on my chest! Taking showers was bad, I'd actually scream out from time to time.

Heal up and get back on! :)
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Some people choose to learn the hard way. I thank all the riders who have posted their pics of their road rash so I know what it looks like. Looks damn painful, and from the looks of it, could have been avoided. Therefore, you have made my decision so much easier when it comes to how much gear should I be wearing.

ATGATT for me.
Heal up, man.

Tegaderm is really handy for road rash. If you can find some that's large enough, that is.

knightrider's photo is enough to turn my stomach and give me nightmares. I rather sweat like a priest at a chuck-e-cheese than get that kind of road rash...

I really need to get off of my arse and post up the used protective gear I've got lying around...
wow, that looks a bit uncomfortable :eek:
i hope you heal up quick fellow fz6-brother! good reminder to not wear shorts, even in the heat of summer (i'm guilty).
Best thoughts and wishes for you to heal up quick. Get some aloe and put it in the fridge to cool and then put it on those road rashes.
Also thanks for sharing cuz it has to make all of us think about keeping that gear on.
