Don't look away for to long.


The UNO Master
Elite Member
Apr 30, 2008
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Webster Texas
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She was very cute in a tank top pumping gas. I was in stop n go traffic. The Toyota SUV in front of me had come to a complete stop. I did an emergency stop, locked up the back tire just a little, stopped within a foot of the SUV.

All is ok xcept my but is sore from the pucker factor.
I've had this happen to me multiple times in a car, never on my bike. Back when I was in high school, i remember driving down the busy road that led to the school in my Saturn Ion, 25MPH speed limit and I was under it. I had just casually looked to the side for just a second. In the meantime, the guy two cars up had stopped to make a left turn. Guy in front of me took his time reacting. When I looked back forward I was staring at rapidly approaching brake lights. I slammed on the brakes (no abs mind you) and skidding to a stop about two feet from the guy ahead of me. Had it been a wet day I'm sure I would have hit him.I of course forgot the clutch in the process so then I was sitting there with a stalled car............... I've been much more attentive in busy traffic since, especially on the bike.
It wasn't an accident. They are all government agents strategically placed as part of a cunning plan to keep traffic speed down.
Works for me.:drool:
I actually rear-ended someone one time in my car by doing this. I was checking out some chick's a$$ and when I looked up the BMW in front of me had stopped. I hit the brakes but just slid across the intersection into him.

I got lucky in two ways:
1) the guy didn't think the damage was significant enough to worry about, shook my hand and got back in his car.
2) the chick was my wife so I got to rear-end someone while checking out some chick and not get in trouble!!! :rockon:
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