Don't have riding gear?

There is no need for "designer label" stuff like two-piece custom made leather suits etc. Even if it's a cheap Chaiwanese plastic biker boot it still offers more ankle protection than a pair of sneakers. Fractures are hell to live with years after the prang...:(
I dont save money when buying moto clobber, and for that i get a right grif from the missus - \"Nice helmet, how much\" - \"600 quid\" - \"What!?You must be jokin!\"

I nag Rob for spending money on just about everything, since we are pretty tight right now. However, if he needs new gear, for whatever reason, I support that. He just bought himself a helmet this weekend (and I treated myself to a new 3-in-1 jacket) and though I asked him if he needed it, I didn't tell him to not do it, rather I was fully supportive.

There is no amount of money that is too much to protect my loved ones or myself.
I didn't have gear until I got the new FZ6 and committed to riding more often to help pay for it (gas and insurance is cheaper). Now it's kinda like wearing a seatbelt in a car. If I don't have gear on it's actually uncomfortable to ride. I feel nervous and anxious.