Donate Blood


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Jul 17, 2009
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I'm in the waiting room waiting my 15 minutes because I just donated blood. Since I'm waiting around I thought I would start a thread about this.

My mother had cancer and lost her battle to it 5 years ago. When she was alive she came to the City of Hope (cancer medical center) and received treatment, it was at that time that I donated platelets and blood for her here. Thinking of her made me think of the countless others that deal with these sicknesses and are in need of blood and or platelets.

So I decided to make a regular donation here to give back for the great help my mother received when she was a patient here. Her treatments at the City of Hope gave us 10 extra years with her, which were great ones.

Since it is the giving time I thought that I would invite others to give in the same way. Sometimes all we need is just a little nudge or information and we do something that is out of our minds but when mentioned we acheive it (did that make sense).

This is a selfless way to give that costs nothing but the will to give and a little time. I personally thank all the countless people that have given of themselves for others because I have had other family members that have needed blood in times of need and it wasn't a family member that they received it from, it was an anonymous generous Blood Donor.
My church had a blood drive yesterday and I gave as I always do. It took less than 30 minutes, and today I felt better physically than I have in a long time. Must be the good karma. Just do it.

I donate whenever i am eligible! I have been taking to donating double reds lately, it takes a lot longer, but from what they say, it is very helpful. Come to think of it, i am eligible now and the next drive is the 23rd. I will be donating then.
Call me a wimp or whatever. I just have a problem with needles being stuck in me. I feel like it's something I should do, but can't seem to carry through with.

So there's a target on my forehead. Am I a bad person for this? You're allowed to flame.
Call me a wimp or whatever. I just have a problem with needles being stuck in me. I feel like it's something I should do, but can't seem to carry through with.

So there's a target on my forehead. Am I a bad person for this? You're allowed to flame.

No flaming, but if it makes you feel any better, i about had nightmares the night after i gave blood for the first time, i kept thinking of metal inside my arm and it creeped me out, so i know how you feel. But i got to thinking about saving up to 3 lives with each donation and gave myself a mental kick in the junk to get over it.

It gets a lot easier and if you can bring yourself to do it, it is the best feeling in the world.
For those of you that believe in Karma, every life you save could keep you that much safer on the road.

I wish I would of started donating a long time ago, it is a great feeling. To those of you that already donate, thank you for giving life.