Does this mean that somebody had it happen to them ... ?


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May 24, 2011
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Ghent, Belgium
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Who comes up with these warning labels?

Today i went helmet shopping and came across this one.


Why thank you, kind people ... i would have almost forgotten to remove the GIANT STICKER COVERING THE ENTIRE SCREEN before riding with it ...
Tagger, that's our fault, in the U.S. We graduate more lawyers than engineers. Check out the labels on a stepladder sometime! :disapprove:
It's pretty funny to stumble upon warnings like this everywhere you go. Sometimes it is because somebody has tried it, but almost every time it is also because of liability issues.

It's like the warning on some coffee cups that says "Caution, this cup contains a hot beverage!" That comes from people who put coffee in their lap while they drive, spill it everywhere, and sue the company that they bought it from. Not because they didn't know it was hot, but because they can.

Because the helmet leaves manufacturing with the sticker on it, and is sold with the sticker, that leaves the possibility that someone will ride it thinking the sticker is part of the assembly (if the warning was not there telling you to remove it). Then that person would get in a crash and say that the company that made the helmet had a sticker on there making it impossible for him to see, and that's why he got in a crash. It doesn't matter that the person is actually stupid enough to ride without removing the sticker, and continue to ride after realizing they can't see. All that matters is that nobody told him to take the sticker off. It's generally a long shot to get through the court system with such a poor claim, but it has happened before and it will happen again. Hence the "warning" stickers, which are really just "you can't sue us anymore" stickers.

It's a sad state of society, really...
It's like the warning on some coffee cups that says "Caution, this cup contains a hot beverage!" That comes from people who put coffee in their lap while they drive, spill it everywhere, and sue the company that they bought it from. Not because they didn't know it was hot, but because they can.

Hey! Free coffee for life! :rof:
[ame=]Jackie Chiles Trumping up a Coffee Burn Case - YouTube[/ame]
This is a good thread.....:thumbup:

Building off what the others have said and based off my 15 years of military experience, warning and caution labels are there because stupid people have managed to accomplish the objectives required to warrant such labels:spank:

My 2 cents:wav:
Isnt that for what you Americans call Dumbasses who are too thick to notice a label in front of their eyes?
Isnt that for what you Americans call Dumbasses who are too thick to notice a label in front of their eyes?
No, nobody cares about the Dumbasses. :rolleyes: Its for the one-percenters who are afraid of getting (successfully yet wrongly) sued...
I agree that warning labels are out of control on some things. I did see a snowmobile helmet that had cross-hairs on it like it was from a fighter jet. I could see someone trying to leave it on like it ment something.

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Isnt that for what you Americans call Dumbasses who are too thick to notice a label in front of their eyes?

I think the problem is more that they DO see dollar signs in front of their eyes. ;)

Hey Durlene, I figgered out how ta make the mow-beel house payment this month! Get tha phone ready, I'mma take mah new helmet fer a lil ride!
There are dumb arses everywhere :shakehead:

Buy a coffee and the lid says "Caution: contents may be hot". No 5h1t Sherlock LOL (oops, CriminalPilot already posted that one....)

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Statistically speaking, on any given day, half the people you come in contact with are below average. ;)
There is an easier way. Make every child sign a waiver that says:

Caution. The world is a dangerous place for idiots.

By signing this waiver, you concede to this fact, and by your continuing living, you, the undersigned, do hereby accept that without proper precaution, you may, by intent or no, injure yourself, or cause by your action or inaction, injury to others, you will hold no company, merchandise or entity at fault if it be deemed your lack of intelligence was the primary or sole cause of said injury.

If you do not accept these terms, please proceed to the nearest sink and slash thy wrists in the interests of the collective intelligence of future generations.

There is an easier way. Make every child sign a waiver that says:

Caution. The world is a dangerous place for idiots.

By signing this waiver, you concede to this fact, and by your continuing living, you, the undersigned, do hereby accept that without proper precaution, you may, by intent or no, injure yourself, or cause by your action or inaction, injury to others, you will hold no company, merchandise or entity at fault if it be deemed your lack of intelligence was the primary or sole cause of said injury.

If you do not accept these terms, please proceed to the nearest sink and slash thy wrists in the interests of the collective intelligence of future generations.



Sometimes I think these silly labels actually give the idiots ammunition for their trivial lawsuits.

Now imagine if lawyers and Judges used "COMMON SENSE" to Judge cases.

Imagine if we had a law where, if your case is deamed trivial, and you lose, YOU have to pay, or hang in the city square!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Isnt that for what you Americans call Dumbasses who are too thick to notice a label in front of their eyes?

No... we just hope those ones die. The label is really for their relatives so they know they can't get away with suing the company afterwards! :BLAA: