Does hi-vis vest really works?

Does Hi-Vis gear really help?

  • Yes

    Votes: 60 58.8%
  • No

    Votes: 5 4.9%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 37 36.3%

  • Total voters
Of course they work. If they get one person to notice you that wouldn't otherwise then they work.

No matter what you were, or what you are riding, you will not be noticed by some drivers. That is also the case if you are driving a car, of course more severe when on a motorcycle.
I wear a hiz viz mesh jacket from Speed and strenght. Ask anybody who took part in the August 5th group ride if they could see me, lol.

just wear the vest and try to buy hi viz apparel.
Absolutely. I like to consider it a tool or apparel for defensive driving.:thumbup: the high vis orange/red is great but the high vis fluorescent yellow/green is even better. Some of the more noticeable colors in the color spectrum to the human eye.
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if you have ever seen me wearing bright orange its because I was picking up trash off the side of the road for the county I owed community service too.... i'm just sayin all my gear is black,and in 27 years I got backed over once by an old woman in a Van late for her hair appointment..... if you wear this high visibilty gear...... YOU SHOULD STILL RIDE LIKE YOU ARE INVISIBLE... :thumbup: :thumbup:
Sure it works, I always wear one if out in the dark but also usefull through the day if bright yellow. Sure it doesnt look "cool" but neither does being under a truck.

I desgined mine on this website and took it to my local print guy to print for me, less than a tenner.
They even do black hi vis vests that have the stripes on for alternative I reckon
I've had riders come up to me to say they wish they had one when they where hit from behind at a stop light.:rockon:

For stop lights alone, they work.:rockon:

They're trying to kills us out there.:(
I also wear a white helmet ... with black tribal type pattern but stil i think it helps ... have a hi viz but since reading this i have forgotton about it for so long ... hmmm maybe it would help ... unsure :confused:
when i am riding with my mates and they are driving a bit ahead in the rain or whatnot, i notice my friend with (yellow) reflecting clothes A LOT faster then the ones with their standard jacket (with minor reflective parts). that got me convinced.
This is the only hi-vis that's going to get anyone's attention.


I wear a hi-vis mesh in the summer and dark blue/black jacket in the fall/spring and haven't notice any decrease in incidents. Run with your high beams on, use a modulator to flash your rear brake light and the biggest thing ride defensively. If driver's don't see a big red firetruck with lights and sirens going they're not going to see your hi-vis jacket. Talk to any fireman or policeman.
I wear a hi-vis mesh in the summer and dark blue/black jacket in the fall/spring and haven't notice any decrease in incidents. Run with your high beams on, use a modulator to flash your rear brake light and the biggest thing ride defensively. If driver's don't see a big red firetruck with lights and sirens going they're not going to see your hi-vis jacket. Talk to any fireman or policeman.

I totally agree with this statement. I recall when I purchased my FZ6 I was in the showroom hanging out with one of the techs while the sales guy did paperwork. I asked him about one of the headlight modulator mods that I was considering. He said that they saw an accident just the other day involving a motorcycle officer on his bike, lights and sirens ablaze, and a passenger vehicle containing an undoubtedly distracted driver. The cop had pulled off a nearby sidestreet with all lights and siren, and still got clipped by this other car.

He said "Hey if that didn't get their attention, I doubt your modulating lights would either."

I think there is a certain percentage of drivers at any one point in time that will simply not see you for infinitely variable reasons. Like anything, you ultimately must assume responsibility for not colliding with anyone/anything else and you can't fall back on any visibility tricks and hope, like you might in a closed vehicle. You gotta see, bob and weave when necessary. (Isn't that how it goes Kenny? :thumbup: )

That said, I think that hi-viz works to bring more attention and I suspect a different attitude toward you as an unidentified motorcyclist. I think that people have all kinds of different conceptions and emotions when they see you ride past. Some people seem to hate "sport bikes" and "loud Harleys" and I think if they see you go past in ATGATT in your hi-viz, I believe they are more likely to view you favorably, like you are a responsible person rather than "one of those other a*holes" on a bike. Even if you actually are one. :)

I don't wear hi-viz but I am considering getting one for commuting. :Flash: WOOT They make really bright helmets too.
I'm not completely sold on the prospect of Hi-Vis gear really working. I voted maybe on the poll. What I DO know is when I did my dual-headlight mod my close calls went from several to none. May be dumb luck but that has been my experience so far.
I have a black Fz6 and wear a silver lid and jacket with reflective piping on it. I'm 6'4" and am easily seen over the windshield. I think depending on someones height and riding position it's not going to matter if they have a High Vis Vest on. I know for myself I can lay out on the tank with my shins up over the passenger pegs and you can't see more than the top of my lid (strictly during long distance freeway time).

I find the most successful thing is that I give the cagers the death stare like the emperor from Star Wars and instead of lightning out of the hands it comes out of my eyes and stops people in their tracks. My mental mantra is "Don't do it or I'll kill you.":Flip: The only time I ever had anyone pull out in front of me I was being all zen and peaceful and I think the guy felt like he had the space to go:eek:.
I think this one will for sure work.

[ame=]USTEK Electroluminescent Safety Vest - YouTube[/ame]
That said, I think that hi-viz works to bring more attention and I suspect a different attitude toward you as an unidentified motorcyclist. I think that people have all kinds of different conceptions and emotions when they see you ride past. Some people seem to hate "sport bikes" and "loud Harleys" and I think if they see you go past in ATGATT in your hi-viz, I believe they are more likely to view you favorably, like you are a responsible person rather than "one of those other a*holes" on a bike. Even if you actually are one. :)

I will affirm this statement as well. I have noticed when I am wearing less gear, I get treated by some motorists as an annoyance - tailgating me, cutting me off, etc. In my full gear, I get a little bigger berth from most. Or so I think.

I think the problem we are having with the poll is a definition of "work". Does hi-viz prevent *all* accidents caused by an unseen motorcyclist? Of course not. Does it prevent *half*? Studies would suggest no. However, at what point does a minor action on your part (wearing a vest) become a good idea for potentially life-saving benefits? At what point does spending $150 on a modulator become a good idea?

Nothing you can do can prevent all of the accidents all of the time. No amount of gear you wear can prevent all injuries all of the time. Motorcycling is dangerous. However, being more visible, like wearing good gear and riding safely, can reduce your risk of catastrophe. Studies have supported these ideas. Although a terrible indicator with N=1, my personal experience has supported these ideas.

Wearing hi-viz increases the chances that somebody that wouldn't have seen you dressed in black does see you now. Let's be pessimistic and say it only does that 1 time out of 500,000. My personal choice - I'm OK with the giggles and funny looks for that 1 out of 500,000.

Finishing off this long post, I do think it's a personal choice. I used to be much more opinionated about gear vs. no gear, hi-viz, etc. Then I realized nobody likes a jerk from either end of the spectrum :) I completely understand why people don't want to dress up like a road construction worker or Power Ranger when they ride, and I appreciate their choice to do so. I simply ask they appreciate mine.
I ride year round and only wear my High Viz Orange vest with reflective over my all black gear when its dark or raining. I found that it does help on the highway/motorway but doesn't help at all in town. There's so much 'light noise' in the city it just doesn't matter. Just my personal experience. So I ride like I'm invisible. I put on the vest right away in the dark or rain so that when I transition to the highway I don't have to stop and put it on. I have a dark blue/white helmet with metallic flake. The contrast pattern and reflective flake are helpfull for visibility (so says my riding buddy) I also have my head on a swivel in town and he says that makes me more noticeable than the average squid riding with that 'dead ahead' stare. :)