Do I need a car?


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Mar 14, 2009
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North Carolina
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Hey guys,

So I'm moving to north Dallas next week for work and I was wondering if I should invest in a car. Currently I have an 07 Fz6 and I've been using my parent's car whenever needed. I'd like to avoid buying a car if possible so I'd like to ask those of you with only a bike, how practical is it? I've never been to Texas so those of you who are from the's the riding climate?

I guess my main concerns are things like storage(groceries etc.), bad weather, and convenience. Who knows of a large storage solution that would work for groceries etc.? Thanks for the input!
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I don't know anything about Texas (except that it is hot and everything is bigger). But I just bought a beater for when I need a vehicle. $2000 and it works for everything I need and even has A/C!!!!
thats what I would do just pick up a cheaper car that you can drive when you need to . or better yet a cheap pickup truck so if you have bike troubles you can haul it to the shop !
I would imagine you could get around in Dallas pretty well on the bike. Get ready for heat and humidity. It gets ugly in the summer.
You might consider a GPS unit for the first few months/years you live there. Got lost for 6 hours one time after taking the wrong exit off the highway...
I've owned only a bike since August. I can get most of my groceries within walking distance but I can also fit a few things in my tank bag or tail bag. Or I'll take public transit if needed.

I do borrow my parent's car the odd time but they live at the other end of the city so I have to plan everything ahead and do all my car errands at the same time. I maybe use it once a month on average. If I didn't share their car I would rent one those odd times, or sign up with a car sharing program.

The biggest burden about not owning a car is that is messes up dating. You pretty much can't go anywhere together :(
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I haven't owned a vehicle in over two years. My FZ has been my only ride since April of '07.

If you are single, have no kids, and if you don't have many reasons to travel with other people, you can get away with just having a bike. I stop at the grocery store just about everyday, picking up a few things each visit. Getting larger items can be a bit of a problem.

Be prepared to ride in all kinds of weather, rain or shine, hot or cold.

You'll get use to it. Riding everyday will keep your riding skills sharp. I don't have to tell you how much money you'll save by just having a bike. Your urge to go find an excuse to go on 200-300 mile weekend ride will probably go down a bit since you will be riding everyday.

I have ridden almost 1000 straight days, with the exception of 8 days. 7 of them because I was in South America on Vacation, and the other was because I was sick.

Remember to wear full gear on every ride.
better yet a cheap pickup truck so if you have bike troubles you can haul it to the shop !

+1!! Also, you can haul it to the track for trackdays if you decide to do that. check craigslist or other local sales and get something inexpensive and reliable. my "beater" car was my main transportation for four years, and 80K-ish miles later, it's still hanging on (bought it with over 100K).. be smart and you can make them last forever.
Here's an option - order your "big" grocery items online and have them delivered to your house. I have a personal internet business where I buy all my non-perishables and they get delivered to my front door!
I'm not sure whether you want us to tell you that it is fine to not have a car or that you need one, but I agree with the two or three people who said to buy a beater truck. Get a truck that you can afford easily and that you can just get liability insurance on (craigslist is a great place to start). It will help with groceries, bike hauling, save on delivery fees, make thunderstorms less of a big deal, make dates easier. . . On the other hand, if you have a date and no car, then she does have to sit pretty close. I would remove the grab rails on the back of the bike so that the options for holding on are better. HAHA
I went the entire winter in WA without a car. It was just me and my Ruckus! I had no problems riding to work in the snow or ice either!! It was not bad at all, my work commute was 15 miles as well!!

This coming winter I should have my car finished though, hopefully it will be drivable in the snow lol, its a 71 Super Beetle designed for autocross!
I'm in Gulfport,Ms and I've put around 100 miles on my truck since I bougth my fizzer 13 months ago. So, I say do as I did and get a tank bag and a set of raingear( $60 at Academy Sports) and ride. GRUMPY
yes you need a car.I went from may 2008,til may 2009,letting my wife drive my truck after her car was totaled,so that left me with the fz as my only ride.and there were plenty of times i needed to be able to carry more yes you do need a that i've bought her a new car and got my truck back all mine.i appreciate it alot more!!!and i can enjoy riding my bike again when i want too,and not because i have should be able to pick up a decent small truck for under $2,500 if your strapped for cash.:thumbup:
I would definitely advise you on getting a inexpensive ride with 4 wheels either a truck or car. The reason is that Dallas weather is tricky and it can rain or shine without much notice. You will love the bike in fair weather and getting in and out of traffic in DFW can be fun.Summers are nasty and its super hot. Its not as muggy as Houston though. Whatever you get make sure the a/c works !!!