DIY - Handlebar Muffs


Hummingbird slayer.
May 30, 2007
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Louisville, KY
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So with winter temperatures finally here, I'm riding less and less leaving myself more time to contemplate mods. This one has the bonus of potentially regaining me some riding time during the coming winter months. Originally I was going to add handguards to my bike as a means of blocking wind and hopefully making it easier to ride during the cold winter months. But after converting my bike to a naked FZ6 I didn't have room left on the handlebars to mount them (stupid mirrors). So I was shopping for handlebar muffs this morning and discovered that there aren't really any for our particular bike. Eventually I came across this guys project page describing how he built his own. Thought I would share it with anyone else who is interested. I'm probably going to give it a try, eventually, not sure when. I'll update this post with any additional info or tips that I learn from my experience.

Making handlebar muffs
Hmmm looks like the perfect mod to do ONCE you have the powermadd guards on. That way, easy on / easy off
Thats a great idea! I'll probably do a setup like that next year so I can ride later in the year. My hands are the only things that get cold when I ride at night. That should solve the problem. And you would look super cool too lol.
Are they supposed to block the wind? Not sure what im looking at in the pictures. I see the frame looking things around the grips in the bottom few pictures, but i really cant tell what it is supposed to be in the top picture. Looks like you have a blanket draped over the handle bars to me.

I also dont have my glasses on so help me...:D