Did you know the stock mirrors fold in/out?


Junior Member
Feb 18, 2012
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Long Island
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I just accidentally found about this very cool feature. The stock mirrors fold towards the bike as well as away from the bike and snap back into place nicely.

I feel stupid for never noticing! Did anyone else miss this detail?
yep i've always known... I heard that there was this one guy who didnt know but I can't remember who. I think he lives in Worcester, MA
Previous owner told me about them.

Fold back for tight situations/storage, fold forward for cleaning the mirrors or seeing if you have anything stuck in your teeth.
I have to admit that I didn't know they folded until I had the bike a few months and dropped it while backing into a parking space at work at 0mph and the mirror bent back when it lightly contacted the ground.
I found this out at my old house...measured both door jams into the house, picked the widest one and pushed the bike thru it only to hit the left mirror. Thats when I found out it folded back:BLAA:
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Yup I fold them in every August when I have to put my bike up and put the cover on it.

You have to put your bike away in August?!?! :eek: :( You need to move to a better place, I ride year-round as long as the streets are dry!

I've owned my '07 since '07 and just tried bending the mirrors back/forward; Kewl! :thumbup: :rolleyes: The things we learn...
You have to put your bike away in August?!?! :eek: :( You need to move to a better place, I ride year-round as long as the streets are dry!

I've owned my '07 since '07 and just tried bending the mirrors back/forward; Kewl! :thumbup: :rolleyes: The things we learn...

I knew I wasn't the only one who didn't know!