Dear SOB


Oct 23, 2008
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Dear SOB who almost hit me and took off,
I really appreciated how you nearly Tboned me at the WI Dells intersection, sent me into oncoming traffic, and sent me sideways at 30-35mph face first into the concrete. Luckily, as you were driving off my girlfriend rode my body to a sliding stop, so she didn't get worse than a small rub on each elbow. The way to drove past the policeman and I roughly a half hour after this incident knowing that your silver minivan would blend in with all of the others was really special. I ground off half my hand, but the rest of me was saved by my gear, so you don't need to worry about me. My visor is scratched to hell, but my helmet was unscaved other than the visor. It wasn't as much impact as sliding. My jacket has a few lovely new ventilation holes which greatly aids in cooling. As for the motorcycle, the cowling is trashed as well as the inner fairing plastic, but the tank, frame, huggers and everything else is no worse for the wear... Oh yeah, and the left rear view was broken off and is now MIA. Thank you for the unique mods you made to my bike and gear.
Anyone who has done a naked conversion and/or has these inner plastics who would be willing to sell them on the cheap would be greatly app'd. I've found a "cowling" for fairly cheap, but I'm still wondering how much of the original plastic I can use... I can't post pics because I don't know how, it's hard to type one handed, and I don't have a digital camera. Also, anyone who thinks it'd be cool to swap red huggers for black can PM me. (To match the fairing...) Thanks for the opportunity to vent.
sucks man.. hope you feel better.. hope they catch the SOB and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.. good luck man
Nice way of putting a bad situation. I am glad you are ok for the most part, and that your girlfriend is ok as well. Get well quick!!! Oh, I agree, I hope they get that SOB for nothing less than attempted murder, because obviously he/she does not care for your life or your girlfriend's. I wonder if they can do that? Attempted vehicular homicide?
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You forgot to add something:

PS - I don't know who you are; the driver of a silver minivan that nearly killed me and my girlfriend. However, we plan on making a full and complete recovery from this ill situation. We're responsible enough to handle our own problems.

We fear it is only a matter of time before your reckless driving will lead to your own demise, where your cager minivan shall become an iron-maiden and collapse; stabbing you from every possible direction. Being figurational theorists we believe people, like you, exist to test how many human-chunks get pulled out of a wreck by the "jaws of life" after an fatal accident.

We hope that doesn't happen to you. Farewell!
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Sorry to hear of you accident, but glad you lived to tell about it.

That's all our biggest fear is an a$$hat in a cage, and one is too many.

I hope you heal fully and your hand gets back to 100%.

And if you are lucky enough to find that jerk, show no mercy financially or criminally.

Good luck to you.
Wow, Smitty, sorry to hear about the incident. Do the police care enough to try and find the s.o.b.? I hope so. My best to you and your gf for a quick and complete recovery.
Thanks guys n gals...
As for the cops, they were pretty cool about everything. Not much they could do, silver minivan in the Dells is like a black guy at the apollo... They blend in...
Hand is feeling pretty good but it's extra goopy *YUM* My favorite part of the day (2 x's) are the hydrogen peroxide dousings I give it...:spank:
Had a similar one myself a while back. 455hats! I wish they'd either take the bus or stay at home on the playstation with Need For Speed. Or if they are hooning. Be effing man enough to put their hand up when they stuff up.

Hope you heal up soon, and your lady is OK.
