Dear John


May 20, 2009
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Dear 2008 FZ6S

We need to talk, and I thought the best way to start the discussion was a letter. I’m sorry it had to come like this but I don’t think I could get everything out if I talk to you.

This may come as a surprise but I’ve been thinking about seeing someone else. I know from your point of view we are blissfully happy together and in nearly every way we are. I love your smooth curves, especially in your bikini. You are always reliable and you’re very ‘low maintenance’. You don’t cost me much cash at all really. On top of this you always get my heart pumping and even just looking at you makes me want to take the day off work to spend with you. But at the end of every day I know you’ll be there waiting for me.

There is one problem however and I know you know what it is. We’ve tried hard to fix it but I’m nearly…. secretly…. at the end of my patience. You remember we’ve made several shopping trips together to look at luggage? Well I haven’t been able to find something just right. Now that we’re having to take a child regularly to school as well as at least a couple of other things (like my karate uniform, lunch, running gear, laptop, leather binder and various cords, attachments and wallets) the luggage has become a real issue.

On Saturday I’ll be going down to Slack’s Creek – I’ve made an appointment to meet a Triumph Sprint GT. I know she’s not as zippy and agile as you and that she has a fat bum, but that’s the problem isn’t it. I need someone with lots of room in the seat and you’re just too skinny sometimes. Of course, this means that we get to weave in and out of life’s traffic easily but you can’t have everything. I know also that I’d miss your husky voice – I think the ‘other women’ will have more of a purr but, while others might find this seductive, I will be missing the growling howl you never fail to deliver.

Please don't feel inadequate because of her extra capacity. I know you could beat her any day of the week where it counts. She might be able to push ahead in smooth sailing but when life throws up a corner, there is no contest.

I wish I could afford to keep you both, but I don’t think it would be fair to any of us. I just don’t have the time or money to spend with both of you and I’m really a one-bike kind of guy.

I’m not saying it’s over. Because I love you so much, this could never be an easy process, but I thought you deserved to know.

Love always, Tex
Go where your heart is mate , if your feelings for the Trumpy are strong then you should explore a little :thumbup: Sow your wild oats so to speak :eyebrow:

We wont think any less of you , the Trumpy is a fantastical machine & was hign on my shopping list as well ;)

Better still , you could always find a way to satisfy both 'ladies' with a little on the side :eek: :D
LMAO, dear john for your bike. How is it that we can become so attached to an inanimate object. It must be that every time we throw our leg over it it brings us so much joy, oh and it never says no.
"John" wears a bikini? I'm really confused. :confused:

Hehe. Maybe I shoulda made it a ‘Dear Joan’ letter?

Go where your heart is mate , if your feelings for the Trumpy are strong then you should explore a little :thumbup: Sow your wild oats so to speak :eyebrow:

We wont think any less of you , the Trumpy is a fantastical machine & was hign on my shopping list as well ;)

Better still , you could always find a way to satisfy both 'ladies' with a little on the side :eek: :D

I know mate. I wonder what the wife would say if I came home with a new love and kept the current one as well. Might find that the problem solves itself as ONE of them would probably leave :thumbup:
Dear Joan (happy now McLovin ;)? – although my Fazer DEFINITELY isn’t a Joan)

I am so sorry! I should never have even thought about another bike, and I certainly shouldn’t have tried to meet someone else.

I’m not saying that the Triumph Sprint GT isn’t beautiful – fully faired and sleek. And I’m not saying that getting up close and personal was a waste of time because I DID have some fun, but something just wasn’t right. Of course, the whole point of the exercise was luggage and this was part of the problem. Her arse is so big she would need a full lane to herself. Yes, I could fit a whole child in the panniers and still have room for a helmet but sometimes you have to be careful what you wish for. It would probably be more practical looking at a van!

I knew this as well, but the top box, which is what I’d be looking at using every day, isn’t due until July and its nearly another thousand dollars extra!

However, the real problems started when we hit the road together. The power of course was there and since it was ‘my first time’ on a litre bike, I was really keen to let her have her way with me. It’s just that she wasn’t as smooth as you. Maybe it was the 3 cylinders or something – I don’t know. It felt…… messy. Also once I got my leg over, I was a little too bent over (if you know what I mean). Corners actually felt racier because of the position but I really couldn’t see myself like that long term.

Now, I’m prepared to admit that I’m just used to your tender touch and ANYTHING else would have to work pretty hard to turn my head because of that, but I really can’t justify leaving you for her.

I also discovered that trade-in value for you isn’t what I thought it would be. Some would be disappointed by that but what it means is that you rock my world without a big investment. It might not help me financially now, but others would be crazy to overlook someone like you for what it would cost them.

In short, I hope you’ll forgive me but I’m prepared to keep working at our problems if you are. Maybe that Givi box is the way to go after all? I hope you can understand that I needed to see what I had before knowing I had the best.

Love always, Tex
Glad to hear you came to your senses, hope she forgives you:D

I'll be adding hard luggage to mine this summer. The FZ6 isn't perfect, but it's something I can work with and make better for me...........kinda like my wife feels about me I guess.
What is the problem with adding luggage bags to the FZ6?

In my personal and humble opinion givi v35 hard side cases perfectly integrate with the bike and can hold LOT of stuff
I got a magnetic tank bag for mine for Christmas that was bought on Amazon.
It huge and holds a ton.
I also saw a motofox backpack at the yamaha dealer that is made to hold a 15 inch laptop and a ton of stuff and it looked trick! I may buy it tomorrow when
I am getting a new back tire. We'll see.

Try the magnetic tank bag tho. It's awesome. Here's the one..

[ame=] Motorcycle or ATV Gas Tank Bag: Automotive[/ame]
Dear Tex

Well, I'm glad you finally saw sense and came home. I'd had a feeling for some time that your eyes were wandering. You thought I didn't notice you ogling pieces of eye-candy every time we passed a showroom. Hah, thats just typical of you men, but in the spirit of what I always believed was a strong marriage, I'm prepared to forgive you and take you back. But. Make no mistake buster I will not forget! Things are going to bit a little different around here from now on. Any more of your shenanigans and I'll dump you on your ear.
Just remember who is the boss sweetheart.

Your Joan