damn flat tyre


Senior Member
Aug 18, 2009
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Sydney, Australia
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well i am currently posting from my nokia e71 from chatswood as i got to the cinema to find i had a flat tyre and after the movie discovered why!
Giant big screw in the rear

Awaiting reinforcements with a hand pump to see if it will hold pressure with one rider, as i had a pillion on way here, otherwise i get a lift ho
Flat tires suck man! I was on my way to indy for the motoGP and went through a couple of construction sites on the highway, pulled over at a rest stop to get a drink, came back out to discover my tire completly flat and two big nail sticking out of the center and side of the tire... Needless to say 300$ and 3 hours later i was back on my way to indy...
I know your pain:(. My last flat had me 100km from home in the sticks...lol.

It was at that point that I decided $70 wasn't such a rip-off after all for a puncture kit with canisters.

Hope you've got it all sorted.
We are susceptible. Sorry man.
Screws seem to be the most common culprit, (although I've seen everything from bolts to nails to thorns to wire to keys inside of tires).
It was this reason that I got myself a motorcycle roadside assistance policy.
I've got a motorcycle roadside assistance plan too. But I hear they cannot service the state parkways.. roads that I am on frequently. I would have to hire private tow to get off the parkways and that is pretty expensive.

I am looking to get one of those C02 kits that would allow me fix and inflate and then continue on my way should a flat occur.
Spook and I bought a emergency repair kit also..Found it at Boltons on South road for about $50. Kenma or somesuch brand. We figured that if we got a flat somewhere between here and melbourne we were up the creek without a paddle.

As for random stuff found in a tyre...I use to repair tyres at BP crafers back in the day and I never expected to find a spark plug in a tyre or a live 303 round.
I've got a motorcycle roadside assistance plan too. But I hear they cannot service the state parkways.. roads that I am on frequently. I would have to hire private tow to get off the parkways and that is pretty expensive.

I am looking to get one of those C02 kits that would allow me fix and inflate and then continue on my way should a flat occur.

I know. I've been looking at those as well.
Thanks guys, got home at 2am that night.
The missus couldn't find the puncture kits, Dad had hidden them, so she eventually came and picked me up and we searched for about 2 hours till we found the puncture screw.
The biggest problem was that I had work all the day after and everyone gave me quotes of about 350-380$ installed for a pilot road2 installed. (Just the rear!!!!)
Friend of my Dads at teammoto got me a pair installed for $450 though.
I was going to go for powers as they where cheaper, but all the places I rang recommended the roads for better wear since I mainly commute and do a few big rides each year.

Was a bit of a bummer though, only had 11k kms on the tyres (the stock ones).

Definately going to get another puncture kit or two for under the seat, definately make a huge difference!!!!!!!!!
I do feel for ya matey, a few weeks back after just finished my daily graft... Hyped up that its home time etc. etc. Walked around back, to where i was parked and noticed my rear tyre was deflated/flat looking - @£$$£@ was my impression, not again.

So called up my Rescue service [sixth time this year RE flats/puntures alone!]... waited just under three hours due to not enough patrols on duty/high volume of calls... only for him to put air in the frigging tyre, as he could not find a puncture! I was not happy anyway having a flat, cause if i had know that, i would of pushed the @£$% thing to a serivce station just down the road, and inflated it up myself..! :BLAA:

Emergancy repair kits can be a godsend... i really need to invest in a similar kit, knowing my luck...

cheers... vj