Damaged FZ6 For $2,600... Good Deal?

So come to find out I can't find anyone to give me a loan even though I have excellent credit and job to pay for it... So I asked if he would save it until I found a way to pay for it but who knows with how our economy is going right now... f*ck the government :spank::Flip: just let me get this bike dammit!

Ok, so I talked to the seller and he said he's going to hold it for me until I get the money to pay for the bike. He said he's got plenty of other bikes to work on so he will keep this one for me until I can round up the money. I am still hunting for a loan but in the mean time I am saving up more and more money while working... which is also good. Anyone want to donate to my cause?? lol I will give you a big giant hug :hug:
Are you a credit union member? I've found CUs to be much, much better than banks; lower rates, no BS fees, local and friendly. Look into it.
Thanks Oz and Wolf Hope to get it soon :thumbup:

Hellgate: yea I am looking in all the credit unions around in my area, Probably call some up this weekend and talk to them.