Cycle Gear to acquire Revzilla!!!!

Hmm. If Revzilla remains unchanged as far as customer service and pricing goes, we'll be okay. If not... Well, I feel like people will gravitate elsewhere.
Crap that means I will have to start paying sales tax buying from Revzilla.. (There is a Cycle Gear in St Louis)

Maybe not. They say "No sales tax. We pay it for you."

I have a Cycle Gear less than 10 minutes from my house. If that rule stays in effect, I could see myself checking things out in the store, then ordering online to save 6%. It will also make trying things on and returning them super easy since I wouldn't have to ship them back.

I'm just hoping this doesn't cut the selection down dramatically. It seems like almost half of the stuff that Cycle Gear carries is their store brands Bilt and Sedici.

I've had good/great customer service from both Cycle Gear and Revzilla, so I don't see that changing.
As a Canuck who buys far to much from Revzilla I hope the core of the company stays the same.

Good little companies always seem to get bought up by the big fish.

Kind of an odd acquisition in my opinion. In my opinion, CG went down hill when they started up their own line of gear. Nothing wrong with having you own line of gear, but as others have said, over half of the inventory is full of their crap. There is a need for cheap gear for the newbies, but for the serious riders,it's the high end gear with quality that matters most, and that can be found at Revzilla.
Kind of an odd acquisition in my opinion. In my opinion, CG went down hill when they started up their own line of gear. Nothing wrong with having you own line of gear, but as others have said, over half of the inventory is full of their crap. There is a need for cheap gear for the newbies, but for the serious riders,it's the high end gear with quality that matters most, and that can be found at Revzilla.
I agree. They're like the Harbor Freight of motorcycle gear. (not that I have anything against HF - they have their place and I shop there too)
Kind of an odd acquisition in my opinion. In my opinion, CG went down hill when they started up their own line of gear. Nothing wrong with having you own line of gear, but as others have said, over half of the inventory is full of their crap. There is a need for cheap gear for the newbies, but for the serious riders,it's the high end gear with quality that matters most, and that can be found at Revzilla.

I am totally unimpressed by Cycle Gear. I've checked it out in Sacramento when passing by and they never have anything I want. Quality is very questionable. I was trying on leathers and the zipper on the jacket split open from the middle of the zipper when I tried to sit on a bike. Not very safe gear. If I went down on the track, this would be a big problem. Revzilla always has quality gear. I hope that doesn't change. Maybe Cycle Gear brick & mortar stores will start carrying more quality gear. One can only hope.