Custom exhaust design


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Jul 10, 2015
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Anchorage, AK
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So I am a Mechanical Engineering major in Seattle and am currently in the process of welding together a custom exhaust on my 2005 FZ6. I've done some physics projects regarding frequencies in the exhaust notes of the stock sound and took an acoustics class to learn how I might better amplify and attenuate certain frequencies to tune the exhaust to my liking. As far as raw materials go, I spent about $100 as opposed to the $600 needed to purchase an aftermarket system. I'm posting this to explore if anyone is interested in seeing what I have done and possibly duplicating the design for themselves. I really like the look of the laser exhaust quad exit system and I am duplicating that with stainless steel tips, albeit with an angle cut to fit the gorgeous rear end of the FZ. Hopefully I will be done within the next two weeks and will have completed pictures for everyone. Again, if you're interested in me documenting the project, let me know.
always in awe of people with the skills to fabricate exactly what they want, be keen to see what you do.
More specific: what software is/was used and what did you input for constants and variables???

Many of the newer modeling products do flow analysis but I am not sure if they have the means to include gas temperature and take into account the pressure waves from the 4 cycle engine.

So ya, curious what you calculate to be a winning concept and when done, how close does science match expectaions.

Good luck!
Just to elaborate on the design process, it was much more crude than using a design software. My projects involved measuring the frequencies of the stock FZ6 sound and then comparing those to a drilled exhaust to see how the higher flow changed the frequencies. I found that the frequencies didn't change, but the lower ones were rather amplified with a higher flow, which was my end goal. I wanted a much lower growl from the back so essentially I just needed a higher flow exhaust. The acoustics class helped me understand how sound behaves in different mediums and how I could manipulate the entire exhaust to get a higher flow without an earsplitting volume level using sound deadening materials and geometry within the construction. It is very much a design build project rather than a model with numbers I calculated beforehand. I don't pretend to know exactly what I'm doing by any means, as this is my first exhaust and I don't have a ton of fabrication experience, but I have welded a variety of things since coming to college and I'm hoping it comes out ok. The exhaust that I currently have on the bike is half finished, with a 10" long by 2.5" wide glass-pack that exits underneath the passenger seat. Now all that's left is to measure, cut, and weld the separator and tips to the end of the existing exhaust. I can post sound clips if people are interested.
Thanks for the clarification.
My experience is that when the oulet of the oem muffler is opened to 1.25" to 1.5" the increased volume produces a descent sound. Too big of tips and the velocity drops allowing the sound waves to bounce around vs linear flow and that bounce, rattle, or ricochet is when the tone gets all raspy and harsh.

Good luck and is an easy way to post an mp3 audio file.
Hi 9zero7, I'm also a ME student in Seattle, at SU. Just picked up an 07 FZ6 a few days ago. Sounds like a cool project! Are you at the U? Post some pictures of your progress!
Sounds very interesting, as others have stated pictures would be nice to see how it is coming along. Exhaust is one thing I am wanting to do but not in the budget right now especially for the name brands. But hopefully in the near future.
I always enjoy reading through the build process of something created by the owner.

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I wish I had a good update, but I have been slammed with my internship and I just joined a 24 hours of lemons team, which is taking up the rest of my time. I promise as soon as the race is over next month to share pictures and continue the build to completion. It shouldn't take me longer than a weekend or so to finish once I can get back in the shop.
Looks like this is kind of a dead deal, would have like to see some pics or progress. Oh well, movin on