Crashed the FZ6 today


Junior Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Delaware County, PA
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I've been riding for over 7 years on the street, 11 in the dirt, and after only a month, I got distracted in a turn and crashed the FZ6 going about 20mph...

My tank has a big dent in it, and my aftermarket fairings got scratched up pretty good. Anyone know where I should look for a new tank.

Anything I should look out for on the bike? I love riding it, this thing is my baby. :hug:

how do you guys get past a crash psychologically? I feel like an idiot. Any advice from the more experienced riders?

I'll post some pics tomorrow... :(
Firts off, it sounds like you are ok physically, so thats good, but watch for any developing soreness/stiffness, and see someone if you think it gets worse.
I can talk about the mind thing a little..... as I don't know really what you should be looking for on the bike apart from obvious damage......
with your return to the saddle, so to speak, know that you've done the fall thing so you don't have to do it again( been there, done that), you have already put some scratches on your baby ( and it sounds like that's what really p1sses you off). As soon as you can get back on and ride the better. You WILL take it easy, but know that it was distraction that was the cause, you Will overcome that to stay focussed because now you know the consequences.
It WILL take you a bit of time to get back to the same level of confidence.
There is someone on this forum with the signature " anyone can go fast in a straight line" its true, the slow stuff and turns are the really tricky stuff
I dropped my bike in the drive at home, only a slight scratch on a cover and the slider. But I went from pristine to damaged in a second, I was really peeved, then after a few days and support form this forum, relieved that I was ok and thats what mattered and now the bike is broken in
Your definitely not an idiot
As we Aussies tend to say "You'll be right Mate!"
Sorry to hear, I feel for you! I wouldn't try to run that tank even if you can't replace it for a while. Don't you have insurance that can replace the broken equipment? If not, I recommend you pay a little extra for the deductible. If I can get my bike back from the insurance company, I might have a tank for you :thumbup: It's red though. I'm still waiting for the adjusters to look at it. Check the Parts section too.
Glad your all right, I downed My victory once going dawn a short/steep hill (5-8 feet long) with a turn at the bottom. only going about 5 miles an hour but i used to much front brake and hit a piece of grave and the front end slipped out and down she went. All she got was a little dent on the under side of the exhaust. I had my wife on the back also, but we both landed on our feet and just walked out of it.

IT makes me think of the Saying. "there are 2 kinds of bikers, Those who have wrecked and those who will wreck."

you just got inducted to the ladder. Its out of the way now so learn from it and don't do it again.
I've wrecked as well. I was exiting the highway, going too fast for the exit ramp (hadn't driven it before, it basically took an 80 degree turn right, then 80 degree turn left)
I was driving a 1983 honda nighthawk 550 (not the most agile bike...) and was inexperienced. I went off the ramp, into the dirt where my front brake caused my tire to lock up and dropped to the right side. Slid about 50 feet through dirt, ended up on the on ramp (as it was one where you do a 260 degree turn to get on).

Jeans were ripped, but no road rash, and my steel toe boots at the time held up perfectly. Got up, saw my girlfriend at the time was okay, then looked at the bike. It looked pretty decent, and I managed to get it up, pushed it over to the exit ramp, got it into 1st gear, and started it up.

My girlfriend called her friend to pick her up (5 minutes away) and then I took off. I was shaken up pretty bad. So I stopped and called my dad to come ride my bike home.

I fixed her up (the fuse box shorted shortly after my dad started riding it and we had to push it 4 miles to my brother's house) a few days later and got back on the road. I'm not going to lie, I was a bit scared.

The key is, if you want to ride again, do it. Be careful and start out slow. But get back on that horse. Mentally, you will be fine. I was perfectly fine about 3 weeks later, and have more confidence now than ever before. (I now know to push harder and turn more...)

If you need support, we've got your back. :)
Glad you're OK! As far as getting over a crash, get back on and ride! You'll learn from the experience. It's sounds like you know what you did wrong and will learn from it. Get that horse fixed up and keep riding! :thumbup:
Sorry you crashed bro. Sounds like you're okay, and your bike will be okay though, good to hear.

I hit diesel fuel in a right turn and lowsided 3 or 4 years ago now. For me, getting into the exact same situation and reacting differently has been the biggest help. A couple of times since that I've been in a right hander, seen something, and changed my line to avoid it. That confidence is the biggest key to making that nervousness fade.

at least if you know what caused the accident then you can work on preventing that happening again
at least if you know what caused the accident then you can work on preventing that happening again

same here, even thou you might be a little traumatized from going down, at least you weren't involved in a wreck with a cager, which I think takes a lot longer to get over and the fear to go away. I have seen some people just give up riding all together after a close call, as it is not worth it to them.
Crashed my FZS6 before I got my FZ6S- felt really stupid- target fixation I saw gravel on a turn off a junction and fixated on it so much I actually stopped and then the bike toppled over at 0 miles an hour

Even doing that I was stiff for days and the fairing was cracked, new brake lever and some re-painting to do

It will take time to get your confidence back as you think- if I could fall off at that speed......

Take your time and use the lesson to get more skilled at slow speed riding

Bikes get fixed - riders less easy to repair- any incident is a learning experience
Thanks for all the support guys. Here are the pics as promised




Looks like the tank took the brunt of it. I'd replace the tank, and call it a day. I dropped mine going 0 Mph. My son dropped it backing out of the garage. I was lucky, both times just bent the break peddle. My advise, Don't love anything that can't love you back. Fix up what needs to be fixed and ride it like a two bit whore.
talk to me about confidence recovery:

two months ago while going out of a turn an 18 wheeler was invading my lane, unfortunately target fixation didn't help me to avoid it so I crashed directly to the truck.

The results were left distal radius fracture (15 cm titanium piece to join both extremes of the bone) and spinal cord compression at C5 - C6 level (lower part of the neck), that had me almost a week without any movement in my hands and almost one month with something called Allodynia which is a pain due to a stimulus which does not normally provoke pain. Such disorder was from elbow down to fingers.

At this moment my hands feel constantly kind of numb (really annoying most of the time) and the tactile sensations are not the same as before, I am working on recovering the hands strenght I had before the crash, even the right non broken one forearm and hand lost a lot of strenght, there is a high probability of not feeling my hands as before ever, only time will tell :), I am already learning to live with that.

I was forgetting to tell you the beautiful black FZ6 was totalled and I am still waiting for the insurance money.

So no trying to hijack the thread but talk to me about recovering the confidence while riding.

And you know what ... I haven't thought any single second about giving up riding, I love it and I will definitely take this second chance of living and ride again :D

So cheers up mate, take it easy and continue enjoying the road :rockon:
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Time heals all wounds- I know after a wreck (in my early years of MX anyways) I was always pretty shaken. And afterwards i'd ride like i was learning how to ride a bike again (ANY lean angle felt like too much!)... you'll slowly regain your confidence. Remember, it happens to the best of us. Look at it this way, you have something in common with all the big names now-Rossi, Stoner etc-they've all wrecked :thumbup:

Time heals all wounds!*

Glad both you and spock are alright! That's the main thing :rockon:
So, I think I'm going to hang up the boots for a little while.

[ame=""]Yamaha FZ6 Crash Into the Woods - YouTube[/ame] watch in 720p this is my helmet cam
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Dude, you are really really lucky you didn't hit that tree! Could have been lights out for good.

Wait, did you crash again? I'm confused
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