Crashed hard on my FZ6...


Junior Member
Aug 23, 2007
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Oil pump cover got some rash and leaks...
The bike had flipped over my head because i had paniced and pulled the front brake wayyyy to hard and went right over at 40mph.
Parts that had broken off after gathering my head.
I was going about 45mph and came up on this patch of gravel. I braked and uprighted myself for a slower turn, but i was still going about 35mph. The rear end started to get squirely and kicking and i paniced and pulled to hard on the front brakes. I f'd up and i'm sooooo mad at myself, but it could have been so much worse. I was lucky. I could have died OR worse...totaled my bike. Joking...
I f'd up that road. But the rashes on my elbows and knee say it won.

As soon as i fix the rear fender/light and oil pump cover i'm right back on the road loving bikes. I'd never let anything stop me. :Sport::rockon:

"Ya gotta keep on keepin' on!" - Joe Dirt
Oil pump cover got some rash and leaks...
The bike had flipped over my head because i had paniced and pulled the front brake wayyyy to hard and went right over at 40mph.
Parts that had broken off after gathering my head.
I was going about 45mph and came up on this patch of gravel. I braked and uprighted myself for a slower turn, but i was still going about 35mph. The rear end started to get squirely and kicking and i paniced and pulled to hard on the front brakes. I f'd up and i'm sooooo mad at myself, but it could have been so much worse. I was lucky. I could have died OR worse...totaled my bike. Joking...
I f'd up that road. But the rashes on my elbows and knee say it won.

As soon as i fix the rear fender/light and oil pump cover i'm right back on the road loving bikes. I'd never let anything stop me. :Sport::rockon:

"Ya gotta keep on keepin' on!" - Joe Dirt
Mate I hope your alright, It sucks when you drop them. Still it can all be fixed.
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Hey man as long as you're ok then it was a good crash. The bike can be fixed!

A Typical response by most is to try to stop when things get hairy, don't beat yourself up to much for that. It's a very hard habit to break whether it be in cars or bikes. I can say, both riding and driving ,there were times things got scarey and I had to say out loud, STAY ON IT DON'T BRAKE DON'T LIFT.

Heal yourself and the bike and get back out there!
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Glad your ok man. We get a lot of gravel in the roads here as well. Like everybody says you can fix the bike and ride on.

We do actually have an award, if you want to participate you could be the first recieptent. Its the UWH (ugly wooden horse) Check out the Hall of shame.
Glad to hear your doing ok man...the bruises will heal in time.

Just wondering about the first picture...did you have crash sliders/mushrooms on the bike? Looks like they got ripped off...there is a bolt just hanging out of the frame near to where you pour the oil into the engine.
Thanks for support.

Thanks for the support. Been riding dirtbikes since i was like 6 and got my lisence in may of this year. Been riding every day. " There are those who have crashed and there are those who will crash." I now am in another category. Just be safe out there. Riding is the best thing out there. Thanks again! Oh yea i wasn't wearing a jacket a tore my jeans.
Very observant Scorphonic.....

What is the line on the Frame sliders.... did you have them and the got ripped off ??


Yeah, I am curious about that also. I have some frame sliders on order and I will be greatly disappointed if I'm spending 80 bucks on protection that won't work!
The third pic shows the phenolic resin frame slider broken with the carbon fiber look finish.
Glad your ok man. We get a lot of gravel in the roads here as well. Like everybody says you can fix the bike and ride on.

We do actually have an award, if you want to participate you could be the first recieptent. Its the UWH (ugly wooden horse) Check out the Hall of shame.
+1 glad you didn't get hurt!!!!
you've got my vote for the UWH!!!!
lol thanks

LOL. Thanks for the vote. When my brother gets home tonight i'll post some gruesome road rash on my elbows. Yeah the frame slider was cracked right off and the engine mount bolt was bent sideways. Luckily it wasn't bent inside the engine. The Frame sliders i got from ebay...FZ6 carbon fiber (like was mentioned). I'm going to invest in a lot sturdier pair next time made of solid...something! lol. I wasn't wearing a jacket, which i should have. But hey it was hot (no excuse!) Anyways, i did the costs and it's about $400 worth of damage. I can't wait to post pictures when i fix it up. The bike actually landed about 25 feet from where i actually went over the handle bars, just to set the tone. I was really lucky and so was the bike. Wrists and shoulders hurt. Rashes on elbows and my right knee. Be careful out there, you never know what's around the corner.
your lucky to still be in the land of the living!!!! I suggest you invest in a mesh jacket. yesterday when I rode home the bikes thermometer said it was 122 degrees. I was wearing all my gear!!!:thumbup: