Crash proof motorcycle

real or fake, people do get rear ended by idiots everyday and i didnt like watching it happen
yeah but that rear ending was completley the riders fault. No amount of technology can ever substitute for simple common sense, like looking left and right before pulling out onto the road.
Is that real or fake?... I laughed at first cause I thought it was a joke but on a second view it looks so real and now I feel bad. :spank:
Pretty sure this is a joke report cos no computer can do what they said.
Its possible to fake a contact crash. A vid which proves a point: ALWAYS LOOK!
I think the biggest give-away that this video is a fake is the fact that the driver that hits the bike never gets out of the truck.
I just hope this is a joke, hence...

"The software company stated in its release that they are working on the patch to address the issue of car coming from the right and will include it in next update which is expected to be available for download to surviving users next Thursday"
Fake. Here is why.

You can see the camera go completely still the moment the crash happens (actually once the van comes into camera), then start moving again after the action is off camera. This is a big tell tale sign that special effects were used. You have to make a composite of two different shots and do some editing in post to do this. Unless you have very expensive equipment, you have to have a still camera.

For proof, watch the white road line in the bottom right corner as the van is coming in. You can see where two different shots were composited, a new line fades in at a split second after the motorcycle leaves the frame.
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