Crappy evening made crappier


Howie Mandel's evil twin
Elite Member
Apr 28, 2009
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Pittsford, VT
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Had my backpack stolen out of my car this evening, in the grocery store parking lot. I live in a really nice area.. have lived here for over 10 years. I rarely lock my doors and when the weather is nice I leave my windows down. So.. yeah, obviously my fault for inviting trouble.

The only valuable item in the backpack was my brand new Droid RAZR M (about 2 weeks old).

So I get home and call Verizon. They deactivate the stolen phone and reactivate my old Samsung Galaxy S (which I switched out because it was locking up 2 times a day).

Here is where it gets *funny*. As soon as the phone is activated, I get a phone call from unknown #. It's showing location as a not-so-nice town about 20 miles from me. So I can only guess whoever stole my phone started calling his friends and they're returning his calls. As soon as I answered, the caller hung up.

Shortly after that, I got another call and this time a girl asked for "Andrew".. "sorry, Andrew is not here right now, but I'm actually looking for him myself. Can you tell me where I can find him? Oh and how did you get this #?"

Girl: "Oh he called me from this number 20 minutes ago. He lives (and gives me his address.. it's a rooming and boarding house about 10 miles from where I live)". Tried to get his last name from her, but at this point she caught on and hung up.

And this is where it gets crappier:

I call my local police and tell them the story. The lady tells me to come in and file a report. I go to police department and tell the lady "I have the suspect's name and address". The lady asks me to write down my name, address and phone #. Once done, she says "ok.. have a seat and we'll get an officer to come out and talk to you".

I can see 2 officers standing just behind her having a chat.

10 minutes go by and I walk over to the window. I say nothing.. just look through the glass. A minute goes by and she turns to me and says "the office just got an emergency call. We're trying to get someone out to you".

The 2 officers behind her are still chatting and giggling. Another 15 minutes go by and I've had enough. I walk over to the window again. The lady who talked to me twice is 3 feet from the window, but this time, she doesn't even turn around. The other, far meaner looking lady looks at me and says in a very hard voice "yes?"

"I just want to let you know that I'm going home. I had a long day. I don't want to spend my whole evening here".

Lady in a hard voice again: "That's your choice"

Me: "I know. Thanks very much and have a good night".

Serve and protect.. well done!!

*sigh*.. the end :rolleyes:
Sorry to hear about the loss. It's too bad the PD couldn't take time to finish up the investigation you did for them. Unfortunately this happens all the time, and it makes little difference where you live. It just tops it off that the lady in the office had to be nasty and uncaring besides.
I have but two Comments that likely will not be helpful.

1. New Jersey (liberal hotbed)

2. "Law enforcement" are a government run entity

The end
Checked the cost of the phone (mind you I got it for 99 cents because I was due for new-every-2). The cost to me now: $350

Yeah.. not happening. Guess it's 2 more years with my trusty, coal-burning Samsung! :rof:
No wonder I didnt get an answer back. Sounds like they made their quota for last month and have plenty of time to meet this months.
No wonder I didnt get an answer back. Sounds like they made their quota for last month and have plenty of time to meet this months.

Yeah, all texts and missed calls are gone, so please re-send if you need to tell me anything.
Had my backpack stolen out of my car this evening, in the grocery store parking lot. I live in a really nice area.. have lived here for over 10 years. I rarely lock my doors and when the weather is nice I leave my windows down. So.. yeah, obviously my fault for inviting trouble.

The only valuable item in the backpack was my brand new Droid RAZR M (about 2 weeks old).

So I get home and call Verizon. They deactivate the stolen phone and reactivate my old Samsung Galaxy S (which I switched out because it was locking up 2 times a day).

Here is where it gets *funny*. As soon as the phone is activated, I get a phone call from unknown #. It's showing location as a not-so-nice town about 20 miles from me. So I can only guess whoever stole my phone started calling his friends and they're returning his calls. As soon as I answered, the caller hung up.

Shortly after that, I got another call and this time a girl asked for "Andrew".. "sorry, Andrew is not here right now, but I'm actually looking for him myself. Can you tell me where I can find him? Oh and how did you get this #?"

Girl: "Oh he called me from this number 20 minutes ago. He lives (and gives me his address.. it's a rooming and boarding house about 10 miles from where I live)". Tried to get his last name from her, but at this point she caught on and hung up.

And this is where it gets crappier:

I call my local police and tell them the story. The lady tells me to come in and file a report. I go to police department and tell the lady "I have the suspect's name and address". The lady asks me to write down my name, address and phone #. Once done, she says "ok.. have a seat and we'll get an officer to come out and talk to you".

I can see 2 officers standing just behind her having a chat.

10 minutes go by and I walk over to the window. I say nothing.. just look through the glass. A minute goes by and she turns to me and says "the office just got an emergency call. We're trying to get someone out to you".

The 2 officers behind her are still chatting and giggling. Another 15 minutes go by and I've had enough. I walk over to the window again. The lady who talked to me twice is 3 feet from the window, but this time, she doesn't even turn around. The other, far meaner looking lady looks at me and says in a very hard voice "yes?"

"I just want to let you know that I'm going home. I had a long day. I don't want to spend my whole evening here".

Lady in a hard voice again: "That's your choice"

Me: "I know. Thanks very much and have a good night".

Serve and protect.. well done!!

*sigh*.. the end :rolleyes:

Sorry to hear man... The police situation was icing on the cake, but I am not surprised in the least bit. They'd have helped if someone was hurt, dying, etc... Hopefully.
In the two cops' defense, they interview these kinds of incidents all day long, and those two may have been on their break.
I think I've quit a different internet forum tonight, because of all the hate hurled at us federal workers there as a result of the budget deadlock/shutdown.
Erci, I am sorry for your loss, and the apparent indifference from the clerks, but bad things are hitting everyone right now.
In the two cops' defense, they interview these kinds of incidents all day long, and those two may have been on their break.
I think I've quit a different internet forum tonight, because of all the hate hurled at us federal workers there as a result of the budget deadlock/shutdown.
Erci, I am sorry for your loss, and the apparent indifference from the clerks, but bad things are hitting everyone right now.

I hope my post didn't come off as hateful. I was just very disappointed, that's all. I know when it comes to important matters, LEOs do what needs to be done (most of the time).
Still sucks Eric no matter the circumstances......hope they can at least recover the phone for you, little buggars are so damn expensive.
My dog knocked mine over and shattered the screen....thank goodness we were able to find a $20 screen on Amazon instead of buying a new $600 phone.
If it were more valuable things stolen I would have considered go over there myself with my other camo wearin friends, but thats just the Georgia redneck, gun totin' way of goin about sure NJ is different.
Eric, that is totally wrong that you hand over so much info to get your stuff back and you get that response, but as botch said, in the greater scheme of things this is a matter with low importance(property crime)
I guess too, with all you have given info wise, they know that they get the guy and then get tied up with reports, court appearances etc and not do what we want them to really do "catch the b@d@ss muthers"

I just wonder what is the value of the "wheres my phone" app , on my iphone?

hope there was nothing of significant sentimental value that went missing (other than a bit of faith in your fellow human beings)

sorry to hear about it
Sorry to hear that brother!

The feeling of helplessness is the worst.

I had a really ****ty pothead neighbor who would continuously damage my motorcycle and my car. There was nothing I could do, since I had no hard evidence. And if I caught him red handed it would be my word against his. I went to the police numerous times and they always told me the same thing. No hard evidence.

Needless to say sometimes violence does solve problems. ;)

Having lived in NYC for the past 12 years I have habits to always lock my car. Hide the GPS, any other non essential thing lying in the car. Whenever I went to my family in Connecticut they would always snicker about me being too paranoid.

Even now, I have moved to a good part of NJ and it's hard to kill those old habits. I lock down my car like it's Fort Knox.
I heard of this group of bikers across town that maybe be able to help......

LMAO! Thanks!

Really no big deal in the end. Found that the phone can actually be bought brand new on eBay for $175. This was my gym pack, so there was nothing of any real value in there besides the phone. Too bad I didn't have my post-workout clothes in there.. might have worked as a deterrent :rof: