Crackdown on Angeles Crest Hwy.

70% of LA county bike deaths have been up there this year...did I hear that right?

That is the stat that's quoted, probably accurate. It's not unusual to see multiple accidents on a weekend afternoon within 1 hour. It's a 2 lane road (minimal passing opportunities) that twists and turns right along the hillsides, and is used both for recreation access and as a thoroughfare from the greater LA basin to Lancaster/Palmdale. Blind corners, debris on the pavement, distracted drivers, squids on sportbikes and the JDM-tuner crowd makes for a hell of an adventure!

Wavex and I rode there Sunday after he picked up his new bike, there was minimal traffic and a single sheriff unit in 80-mile round trip. However, I tend to only go up there on weekday mornings to avoid the traffic. It is only 15 miles from the heart of Los Angeles to the start of the road, close enough for anyone to just blast up there for a "quick lap", as has been stated in many forums.
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This should serve as a reminder to all of us to ride safely and within our limits this weekend at the group ride. See you all Saturday!:rockon:
Kind of sick but that's why I watch crash videos on youtube to keep me in perspective so I don't go beyond my abilities and end up like this poor rider.