
Red Scorpion

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Oct 28, 2008
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How many of you have had the finest appear from nowhere and be right on your buttocks before you know it?

I have an hour commute one way everyday and pretty much ride about 10 over on the way in, but on the way home, I like to stretch it out if ya know what I FZ6 is candy apple red and I have all of the color coordinated gear so I do turn a few heads.......the other day, I was "profilin'" on the way home running about 82 in a 65. Now by profilin', I mean I was laying on the tank, knees gripping the bike, you know. I wasn't passing anyone just goin' with the flow in the fast lane. I always check my mirrors but out of nowhere, this Gwinnett moto cop is on my butt lights yet but I am thinking, oh crap fixing to get I ease to the right of the fast lane and he blows by on his Harley and goes on. That is the second time I have been done that way. Another cop pulled up beside me and I looked at him, he was just checking out the bike......any of y'all have similar experiences?:D
How many of you have had the finest appear from nowhere and be right on your buttocks before you know it?

I have an hour commute one way everyday and pretty much ride about 10 over on the way in, but on the way home, I like to stretch it out if ya know what I FZ6 is candy apple red and I have all of the color coordinated gear so I do turn a few heads.......the other day, I was \\\\\\\\\"profilin'\\\\\\\\\" on the way home running about 82 in a 65. Now by profilin', I mean I was laying on the tank, knees gripping the bike, you know. I wasn't passing anyone just goin' with the flow in the fast lane. I always check my mirrors but out of nowhere, this Gwinnett moto cop is on my butt lights yet but I am thinking, oh crap fixing to get I ease to the right of the fast lane and he blows by on his Harley and goes on. That is the second time I have been done that way. Another cop pulled up beside me and I looked at him, he was just checking out the bike......any of y'all have similar experiences?:D

Hey "Red Rider" :rockon: I see it all the time regardless of what I'm driving. Makes me wish I was a cop (even part time local cop) so I could speed at will and scare the people who pay my (if I were a "LEO") salary out of my way. So much for enforcing the law by living it :spank:

Last evening was the latest incident..I was driving my P/U home from work on the turnpike in the middle/through lane doing around 75MPH when a statey came zipping by (no lights on - it was cloudy and misting) so fast he made my cage rock. I wanted to see how fast he was going, so I got in behind him and was soon hitting 90 (and he was still pulling away :eek:) and moving cars out from in FRONT of him somehow (assume flashing his headlights). I happened to see a speed trap coming up on the East bound side (I was headed West) so I slowed down enough to look at him/her, pointed at the statey that had just whipped by and shook my head. To misquote a line from a Mel Brooks movie, "it's good to be a law enforcement (mis)agent". And these are the guys who want to be paid for having to learn how to use computers to file their reports even though they're ALREADY using laptops in their cruisers (while driving no less) :Flip: :confused::spank: (sorry, started my "foamy squirrel rant" again).
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They ride up behind me all the time on the Interstate.

I'm not sure I'd want to be a cop. Sure - you can drive/ride faster than the limit and not worry, but you also have to deal with EVERYONE in front of you hitting the brakes and weaving around to get out of your way.

A couple of incidents from my youth:

(1) I'm 16 with a load of friends in my station wagon (there's a recipe for trouble). Some guy in a Mustang behind us to riding up on our bumper and then backing off. He won't pass - even though he could. I'm doing the speed limit.

At one point we're putting forward from a stop light and a friend in the passenger seat sticks his arm out the window and gives the guy the finger. Fine, except that the Mustang has turned left and there's now a COP behind us. Flashing lights / stern warning / let go.

(2) On the highway and a cop goes BLASTING by us in the left lane. No lights, no traffic, just a copy flying down the highway. We pull out to see how fast he's going. He's annoyed by this and he pulls over to the right lane and SLAMS on his brakes suddently (to hit us with his radar). Apparently he doesn't get a reading, but he pulls us over anyway. My friend was driving and he gets a ticket for not having his driver's license. He deserved the ticket (and he was sarcastic with the cop - bad move), and it's probably not wise to follow a speeding cop, but I wonder what he was doing.
These days when I ride around town motorcycle cops wave at me like we are buds. It took me a while to get used to it. When i was 16 and riding it was a whole different experience. These days I smile and wave at the man.
Hey "Red Rider" I see it all the time regardless of what I'm driving. Makes me wish I was a cop (even part time local cop) so I could speed at will and scare the people who pay my (if I were a "LEO") salary out of my way. So much for enforcing the law by living it

Contrary to popular belief , cops aren't always "out to get you." I am sure alot of "guilty conscious feelings" are coming out. Most of the time when a cop comes up behind you and is moving fast, they are most likely responding to a radio call and not speeding just for the hell of it. Police officers don't always use lights and sirens to respond to all semi-hot calls. When people call the cops they expect them to "materialize" right before their eyes. You want them there immediately because "your" problem is more important than anything else in the world. For example, a wreck with injuries, lights and sirens. A burglary in progress, urgent call, but not always feasible to use lights and sirens. According to most states laws, lights and sirens must be used even 1 mile above the posted speed limit. Do you really want police cars driving around the city with lights and sirens activated constantly? Or would you rather the cop to just obey all traffic laws and respond in a nice,safe,slow, manner to your burglary call? Just food for thought.;)

P.S. Cops pay the same local,state ,and federal taxes that you do, so I guess cops pay their own salaries. Wow, imagine that.
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Motorcycles cops here in Las Vegas have been pretty flexible as far as writing tickets with me. I'm always pushing the limits whenever I see a motorpatrol officer to see if he will give me a ticket. Passed a motorcylce cop on the freeway 75 in a 55, he hit his siren and used a hand signal for me to slow down, so I did to 70mph. Another incident, around 1 am., I was going 55 in a 45, motorpatrol officer was in the next lane over behind me. Light turns yellow in that gray area, break real hard to not run the red, throttle out and run the yellow into red. Knowing that he was behind me, I throttled up and ran the yellow into red. He ran the full red. LOL.
I have them all around all the time. Doesn't bother me since I'm not the fastest guy out there and with good reason! I'm GLAD they're there most of the time. I live a few houses from a State Trooper and a street away from a local Officer. Where I work is next to the state's Police Canine Academy so daily, we see police cars from all over the entire state and even some from Maine and Massachusetts occasionally. From the front or rear, you don't really know if they are locals or not at times so we're always careful here.

When I lived in central Maine where I was born and raised, a great deal of my best friends there were/are police or Sheriff Deputies. I sold my property there to the best of friends and he is an Detective for the Sheriff's office. My Dad was a local policeman before I was born.

If you dislike "cops" then you're obviously out breaking the law and feel guilty. Do you get that sudden twinge of anxiety and adrenaline when you see an Officer? Do you immediately reach for the brakes and check the speedo? Guess what? Those feelings and reactions go away when you drive sensibly.

Of course I break the law at times... you have to or get run over by ALL the others doing it. But it is those times, the police aren't looking for the speeder (they cannot stop EVERYONE). They are looking for the idiot who is weaving, filtering and being a bit reckless that will likely end up causing an accident.

If you don't like law enforcement officers, move to a 3rd world country where law enforcement barely exists. I'm staying here where I'm SAFE! ;)
here in PA the cops are major sticklers. They will pull you over for going 2mph over the speed limit, write you a ticket for having an object hanging from your rear view, defective turn signal, etc.

Just a few days ago, a cop was riding my @$$ while i'm doing exactly the speed limit - he was close enough that it made me uneasy. I didn't know it was a cop (it was an undercover), and he kept creeping closer and closer. I tapped my breaks three times to tell him to back the hell off and he kept getting closer. I just pulled over to the side and he blasted by me.

I've had this happen 2 times now in the past few months and I think they do it to provoke us. When a car behind me is riding close and i know it isn't a cop, ill show him his car is slow as sin and blast away. I think the cops try to provoke us to speed away like that because they know riders don't like tailgating drivers.

It's a tactic to try to get you to slip up so they can pull you over.
Just a few days ago, a cop was riding my @$$ while i'm doing exactly the speed limit - he was close enough that it made me uneasy. I didn't know it was a cop (it was an undercover),and he kept creeping closer and closer. I tapped my breaks three times to tell him to back the hell off and he kept getting closer. I just pulled over to the side and he blasted by me.

You didn't know this was a cop.......... ;)

When a car behind me is riding close and i know it isn't a cop, ill show him his car is slow as sin and blast away.

Yet you didn't do what you've stated. Why didn't you show this one he was slow as sin? :don'tknow:
here in PA the cops are major sticklers. They will pull you over for going 2mph over the speed limit, write you a ticket for having an object hanging from your rear view, defective turn signal, etc.

Just a few days ago, a cop was riding my @$$ while i'm doing exactly the speed limit - he was close enough that it made me uneasy. I didn't know it was a cop (it was an undercover), and he kept creeping closer and closer. I tapped my breaks three times to tell him to back the hell off and he kept getting closer. I just pulled over to the side and he blasted by me.

I've had this happen 2 times now in the past few months and I think they do it to provoke us. When a car behind me is riding close and i know it isn't a cop, ill show him his car is slow as sin and blast away. I think the cops try to provoke us to speed away like that because they know riders don't like tailgating drivers.

It's a tactic to try to get you to slip up so they can pull you over.

If they wanted to pull you over, they would have pulled you over. Cops don't have to provoke anyone into breaking the law and nor would a cop. There are plenty of people breaking the law than to "force" someone to break the law. That seems a little foolish to me.:confused:
Police officers don't always use lights and sirens to respond to all semi-hot calls.

Don't know how it is in other states, but in TX, police are "required" to use auditory and visual warnings when exceeding the posted limit.

I've never had a real issue with cops speeding, but the ones who flick their lights to drive through red lights really piss me off, especially the ones who pull into a restaurant/gas station/fast food joint just down the block after driving through a few reds.
On my way to work Monday, I was behind a jeep and we were tuning right. The jeep I guess tried to see how slow and how many lanes he could drift into before picking the lane farthest from the turn. I then whipped around him and hit the gas. One of our friendly blue light specials was in the other lane and busted a U turn at the intersection that I had just left. The funny thing is, I was not even speeding. He got right behind me and followed me for about 3 miles where I tuned off, and he went strait. He got close enough to make me real nervous. The bad part is, there were 3 lanes going our way, and no one around. He just felt like riding behind me to see if he could make me mess up I guess. Just plain ignorant.
Just plain ignorant.[/QUOTE]

That's kind of what I was thinking.:rolleyes: