Computer Backdrop. post your screen shots!

I currently have the picture of my bike on my laptop and the blue spy on my desktop.

I am interested to see what people have
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We've seen this one before :p
This is mines...took it whilst on holiday to Japan last year [Enoshima Island...]

Sunset pic from my digital cam, a fluky shot really as i'm by no means a photographer - however it cam out okay :)
grommit - i see your Compiz / Desktop effects are working well :) :) :)


OT: Is that Vista or Windows 7 -- it actually looks cool. Capturing the screen action is cool -- how'd you do that?


It is Linux/Ubuntu with as v1jay says Compiz Window Manager.

I used XvidCap which is a very simple video capture program, but as I say running on Linux.
mine scrolls though almost 300 different pictures in a folder. I have Windows 7. Also anyone that has window vista or windows 7 there is a great little tool called the snipping tool. You stretch the bounding box where ever you want to include and then just click the little disk to save and it saves as a jpeg on your desktop