"Comfort" seat??


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Aug 16, 2010
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I bought a new Yamaha comfort seat for my 07' from a dealer on eBay, and tonight I finally got a chance to move the bumpers from my old stock seat to the new one..

I wasn't really unhappy with the stocker, but since my FZ6 is now my touring bike (sold my 08' GoldWing) I figured anything would make distance riding better..

The new seat is MUCH harder that the stocker.. Do these break in to your butt, or is that the way they remain?:confused:

Fit on the new seat was perfect, if not a little tight, which is fine.. I only paid $120 for the new seat, shipped.. So I figure I got a deal..

Anyway, if I'm not mistaken, the newer bikes (09' and on) all come with this seat as stock.. Just wondered what you guys that have some miles on them think of them with prolonged use?
It's been my experience that the firmer a seat, the better and more comfortably it supports you. At one point a few years ago, I had (obviously) the stock seat, the Comfort Seat, and a Corbin, so I had the chance to do a comparison that most people don't get to do.

At that time, I was riding about 30 miles each way to work. So, I rode for one week on the Comfort Seat and one week on the Corbin (I already knew the stock seat sucked...lol).

In the end, I decided to keep the Corbin. However, I would've been happy with the Comfort Seat too, if I didn't know any better.

One line of thinking is that the firmer seats (Corbin and Comfort Seats are more firm than something like the Top Saddlery seats) work better for bigger, heavier riders. There's nothing scientific in that, but there was a big discussion and that seemed to be how it shook out.

And yeah, you got a great deal at $120! I think you'll be happy with it. Obviously a wood plank might be better than the stock seat, so you should do fine on the Comfort Seat. :thumbup:
I have had Corbin seats on most of my bikes. The first thing you notice is that they are as hard as a brick. Then you go ride it for hours on end and guess what?, the Butt does not hurt.

So don't worry about it feeling hard, ride it and see how the south end feels. :thumbup:

Well, seats fit people differently.. I hated my stock KLR seat within 20 miles, but I have a friend who loves the stock seat.. Different bodies, different likes and dislikes..

AND, I've found that the easiest way for me to make any seat comfortable is not to wear jeans. The stock seat sucked in jeans, but if I was wearing my Aerostich Darien pants, I was fine all day..

As I mentioned, the FZ6 will be my "touring" bike and I want it all day comfortable.. Because of my absolute hatred (and I save that word for very few) of Corbin, they're not even considered.. Long story, poor customer service, and I will never give Corbin another dime of my money..

I'll give the new Comfort seat a good workout tomorrow, but it'll be 55 degrees out and I'll be wearing the Dariens, so it won't be a fair test.. I'll just have to wait for an hour long ride in jeans at 95 degrees and humid to see how it works out then.. If it doesn't, I'll be sending the pan in to Russell Day Long and have them make me a seat I know will be comfortable. :)
After doing some searching here, I've found info from CCHOUSEKY and others that say that the seat will work out well for me.. I'm a bigger, and taller guy, and I don't consider taking a bike out for a ride unless I'm going to put at least a tank of fuel through it..

I'm going to be doing a 1500 mile loop around Lake Superior this summer, and I think that seat will suit me just fine.. :)

Thanks for the info!!
I just got my Corbin seat today after using the comfort seat most of last year. I rode for three hours today with just two short breaks. I feel I could have easily rode another few hours, something I never felt I could do with the yamaha seats. So far the Corbin is making the comfort seat seem like a log. I will say the comfort seat is better then the stock one but that's not really hard to do.

As for the stock seat It was ok for short rides maybe a hour or two. The comfort seat maybe three of four with a lot of breaks.

It almost killed me shelling out $450 for a seat but I now feel it's worth every penny.
I hated the stock seat, after an hour I needed to get off for and take a break. With the comfort seat an hour seems to just be warm up, no where near ready to get off. :thumbup:
I bought my FZ6 used and it came with a stock and comfort seat.. Stock seat has taken up permanent lodging in the rafters of my shed, Comfort seat is awesome. No sore butt even after 4 hours in the saddle.
5'1-" 210lbs if that helps
Well, I gave the Comfort seat a 250 mile test today and I have to say that it did break in somewhat by the end of the day, and that it's going to stay on the bike for futher testing..:)

I jumped on the bike this morning, and though "Man, this thing's hard!!" but it was also a new seat, and it was 43 degrees out.. The first hour had me wondering.. But this afternoon it was in the mid 50's and I completely forgot about the seat and my rear end comfort, and THAT is what I was hoping for.. :) If it's comfortable enough for me to forget about it, it's all I can ask for..
I just got my Corbin seat today

it almost killed me shelling out $450 for a seat but I now feel it's worth every penny.

I'm glad you got what you paid for.. I hope you never have to go through what I did with Corbin..

I ordered a Corbin years ago and got nothing but trouble out of it.. First they cashed my check and didn't ship the seat for 5 months, telling me over and over again "It'll ship next week", and then the seat fell apart in the first month, and they wanted $125 to repair it, even though it was new..
When I complained, I got a letter from Mike Corbin's brother that basically said Tough Crap!!

I'll never again spend a dime with Corbin..

There's a ton of other options out there with excellent products and customer service to go with it..
It was very smooth I ordered it on a monday I then got a email that it wasn't in stock they would have to build one and it could take a few weeks. That wednesday I got another email that it was being built and would be shipped within an day. The next day got a ship confirmation from FedEx. The seat is very well made and fits better then the the two yamaha seats. It is very firm but it's shaped like a ah.... butt so it seems to spread the pressure over more area.

This is my third Corbin seat. Had one on a GPZ 550 back in the 80's and a ninja 900 in the 90"s.