Colorado shooting....

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Just another reason why I want to get my cc permit and now will

So sad...
I don't normally get involved with the gun debates and the "Right to bare arms" issues.
But seriously WTF do you think you are going to do in a dark movie theater with CS gas in your eyes, among a stampede of escaping people.
You do not want any public place filled with so called responsible citizens all packing.
How many dead people would there be if everyone was carrying a concealed weapon?

How could you tell I was a responsible citizen when I'm baring my gun down in your general direction because I have seen a threat you haven't?
You see me, see my gun and shoot me a second before your shot.

RIP People of Denver
In this case you are probably 100% right if someone was a cc holder and carrying there is probably nothing that could have been done, but then again you never know. I'm sure y'all have your fare share of psychos on your side of the pond but over here it seems to be we have a lot more, and because of that not everyone should be able to get a cc but for those who can and could I do believe some of these types of events could at least have the damaged minimized. I dont think that anyone can say exactly how they would react in a situation like this but if a trained CC individual were there and could react in a calm coordinated matter lives could be saved.
I don't normally get involved with the gun debates and the "Right to bare arms" issues.
But seriously WTF do you think you are going to do in a dark movie theater with CS gas in your eyes, among a stampede of escaping people.
You do not want any public place filled with so called responsible citizens all packing.
How many dead people would there be if everyone was carrying a concealed weapon?

How could you tell I was a responsible citizen when I'm baring my gun down in your general direction because I have seen a threat you haven't?
You see me, see my gun and shoot me a second before your shot.

RIP People of Denver


I read about this earlier this a.m. A few days ago in Toronto there was a similar incident at a community BBQ, and a bunch of people were either killed or injured. The Chief of Police said in a statement that it was one of the worst shooting incidents (at the time) in recent memory. This one is a major escalation, less that a week after the Toronto incident. Makes you wonder what is wrong with people...

To anyone living in Denver, good luck with the aftermath. Thoughts and prayers to all those affected by this horrible incident.
I don't normally get involved with the gun debates and the "Right to bare arms" issues.
But seriously WTF do you think you are going to do in a dark movie theater with CS gas in your eyes, among a stampede of escaping people.
You do not want any public place filled with so called responsible citizens all packing.
How many dead people would there be if everyone was carrying a concealed weapon?

How could you tell I was a responsible citizen when I'm baring my gun down in your general direction because I have seen a threat you haven't?
You see me, see my gun and shoot me a second before your shot.

RIP People of Denver

I'm all for the right to bare arms and all, but you make a very good point. I'm not sure anything could have been done to reduce the damage. When it goes from shooting to gunfight, there is bound to be collateral damage.
In this case you are probably 100% right if someone was a cc holder and carrying there is probably nothing that could have been done, but then again you never know. I'm sure y'all have your fare share of psychos on your side of the pond but over here it seems to be we have a lot more, and because of that not everyone should be able to get a cc but for those who can and could I do believe some of these types of events could at least have the damaged minimized. I dont think that anyone can say exactly how they would react in a situation like this but if a trained CC individual were there and could react in a calm coordinated matter lives could be saved.
I have listened to the arguments on both sides, I strongly disagree with you and I'm happy to leave it there.

That's perfectly fine, it can be a touchy subject, either way it's a horrible thing what happened.
Did y'all know in the REAL Western frontier,not the Hollywood version,you more likely to die from being struck by lightning than to be shot,because everybody had guns and know one wants to get shot,unless they are suicidal in an enviroment like that..... come to think of it people showed each other alot more respect back then too..... weapons are a tool and they should be put up in a safe when not in use,I think if the shooter had known that the movie patrons were armed he would have had second thoughts..... this is a terrible tragedy I heard even a 6 year old was hit...... awful news .... :(
How many dead people would there be if everyone was carrying a concealed weapon?

I bet there would be less than 12. also there is a huge chance that this would never happen if the guy knew most people in there was carrying....
I bet there would be less than 12. also there is a huge chance that this would never happen if the guy knew most people in there was carrying....

I think this becomes a question of the way our entire society is today. CC means concealed, so every single adult (or is it over 21 for CC? I don't know) could potentially have had a weapon on them, and nobody should be able to tell (hence the conceal part).
I think this becomes a question of the way our entire society is today. CC means concealed, so every single adult (or is it over 21 for CC? I don't know) could potentially have had a weapon on them, and nobody should be able to tell (hence the conceal part).

I don't understand what you are trying to say. are you saying that the potential of everyone over 21 having CC is enough? potential is very different from likely
What a sad event! At least he wasn't a chicken and did not take his own life. He can pay for it somewhat. There is nothing that can take away the pain for all the people effected. Apparently there was a 3 month old baby that got hit. :( How many CC holders take there gun to a movie? I would assume not too many. What a shame. I am in shock. :eek:
I don't understand what you are trying to say. are you saying that the potential of everyone over 21 having CC is enough? potential is very different from likely

Very true

I was just saying there was the potential. I think in (Sweden?) everyone has to serve a military term, and they keep their guns. Therefore every home is guaranteed to have at least one firearm - they have a lot lower crime rate.

But is that just cause it's cold as balls?:BLAA:
And it will be another reason to call for more gun control!! Sad happenings!!

Nelly makes a valid argument. However, given the choice of me being either a CCW person or non CCW person in the theater, I think I'd rather take my chances in a similar situation with another CCW person (or off duty cop carrying) in the mix. Hopefully, a CCW or off duty cop could distinguish between a crazed gunman and another CCW person. But, there's no guarantee there either. Oh boy, what's next: metal detectors in movie theaters? Don't you just love society? Take your pick: bomb belt blast, sniper, airline suicide hijack, theater or school massacre, road rage, product tampering/poisoning, postal bomb, :confused:.
The other side of events of this nature; we have witnesses who saw he acted alone. There is no mistake who did it and what they did. Another 45 cents would save millions and lay it to rest this instant. Yet our FU'd system will extend this for years. It's not like its about DNA or a bunch of facts to gather. We have the who, what, when, where, Why(will never make sense to any of us), so make it swift and end it. He lost his rights the second the mask went on.

Families of Colorado, I'm sorry for your losses. . .
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