Colorado fires.....

We've been close to evacuating due to bushfires several times. We have a box organised with important paperwork in. Our philosophy - grab the box and get out. That's what insurance is for. As heartbreaking as it would be, getting out is the only right decision. I love my house but I'm not going risk my life or Mikes life trying to save it.

32,000 evacuated, 2400ha fire, several houses destroyed so far. I hope it ends up nothing like the fire in Colorado earlier this month. Over 200 homes destroyed and one life lost, if I have the figure right.

Hurry up and get in touch Bren. Most importantly, you, John and Kota stay safe
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I hope your safe and everything works out for you. I heard more about the fires on the radio today and thought you were still in the clear. I'm sorry you had to evacuate but I do hope you will be able to return to your home with no worries.

Stay safe!
In the event that the fire has engulfed your home, this forum can come together and pull our resources together, whether it's financial or material. Just say the word and I'm in.
In the event that the fire has engulfed your home, this forum can come together and pull our resources together, whether it's financial or material. Just say the word and I'm in.

Well put Kenny! Been through several big fires around here and as Kaza knows it's nothing to fool around with.

Our prayers are with your family Brenda.
First: I love you guys :hug:

Second: We're at a friends home east of the highway, so we're safe.
But we were literally given about 15 mins to get out. Then you have those "oh crap" moments where you think "I forgot this or that".
But it is what it is....things can be replaced.
I'll check back in when I can.....
Glad your OK Bren,
the fires have quite a bit of coverage in Aus. looks very nasty
A lot of folks here will be very relieved to see your post^^^^
First: I love you guys :hug:

Second: We're at a friends home east of the highway, so we're safe.
But we were literally given about 15 mins to get out. Then you have those "oh crap" moments where you think "I forgot this or that".
But it is what it is....things can be replaced.
I'll check back in when I can.....

We love you to! When you get a chance PM me your email and mobile. That way when when/if your on the move we can stay in touch with you guys!.
Whole heartedly agree with everyone, so glad your safe. I have been watching the fire evolve whilst on my night duty. I just can't fathom the level of destruction caused by it and how quickly it took hold. Good luck Bren.

Glad you're OK and safe.
Not knowing what will you find when you go back home (or how you'll find it) is a very hard moment to go through.

I truly hope this nightmare does not last much longer and all of you guys can go back to your normal life or the recovery phase.

Thank you very much for letting us know.

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I'm looking forward to Brenda posting a pic of her house next week, without a singed shingle or burnt bush. Here's hoping for that! :D
Been thinking about you guys all day while working today, like you Brenda we live in the forest. Just checking in for any updates.
News tonight said wind is calming down so I hope that's the case. It's all about the wind in a fire storm.
Mucho positive mojo going your way!
First: I love you guys :hug:

Second: We're at a friends home east of the highway, so we're safe.
But we were literally given about 15 mins to get out. Then you have those "oh crap" moments where you think "I forgot this or that".
But it is what it is....things can be replaced.
I'll check back in when I can.....

Caught it on the news last night,looks horrendous:eek:.Stay safe & goodluck:thumbup: