Color Tires - please share opinion!

Johny Bravo

Junior Member
May 5, 2008
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Sofia, Bulgaria
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Hi, there! :Flash:
I was wondering if any of you, fellaz, has experience with coloured tires? I fell a lot for a copuple of silver ones for my Beloved, but here, in Bulgaria no one seem to import those! :eek:
So, please share some opinions and if they worth the price, where and how can i get a couple of them in Europe? :confused: What do you think?
I`ll be very grateful! :cheer::cheer::cheer:
I've seen them on bikes, but I'm not sure about the quality. I'm pretty sure that none of the major manufacturers do them though.
As long as you can get them with the same spec as black ones then go for it.

Post some pictures if you do get some.
I have also seen these paint pens or something where you can color in the letters and the tread pattern. Might look kind of neat in the right situation.
I see that some of you bother the suspicious quality but I`ve seen the Tomahawk Tire web site Cycle Tires - Our unique and proprietary colored 50/50 tires are a perfect compliment to make your bike stand out in a crowd. and there says they`re DOT, ISO, etc Approved... I would risk only for good lookin and for city use, sure not for track!
Well I`understood that no one can help me get a couple of those...:(
Searching continues...

I looked at the link you provided and I think they look bad, but I guess I'm just a slave to MC cultural norms. If you want to be different - go for it - it's your bike.

This is nothing personal, however you did ask for opinions. With full candor I can tell you they look like crap and are totally for pre-teen squids. :squid: Anyone who considers themselves a serious rider wouldn't be caught dead with these on their bike.

As far as the quality of the tires I'm sure they suck. Just because a tire has DOT, ISO stamps on them doesn't mean they are are good tires. All it means is they have passed the bare minimum to be sold in a given country. An approval doesn't tell you how a tire handles, how comfortable it is, how it sheads rain or how well it grips. I'd take any Bridgestone, Michelin, Avon, Conti, or any of the big brands before I rode those.

Remember only about three square inches of tire contract keep the shiny side up.

Nothing personal, just an honest, forth-right answer, your life depends on your tires.
Here's your answer brother, these things are RETREADS!!!!!!!

Oh this brings more questions in my mind than I can comprehend! Like do the carcasses match??? Or do I get one Avon and one Conti??? No thanks, I'll pass....

Cycle Tires - Frequently Asked Questions

1. The tires that you sell are "remanufactured", what does that mean?

We use radial tire carcasses to remold our proprietary rubber process onto the used tire carcass. Our process is similar in many ways to how a new tire is made. The only thing that is recycled is the carcass. The method is not like a truck tire, which has a pre-cured tread, applied with glue. Our tires are mechanically shaved down via a computer controlled buffing machine to a precise level and then new, uncured rubber is reapplied via a computerized extruding machine in pre-selected compounds. The tires are then inserted into individual molds that have the tread patterns in them and they are recured at high temperature and high pressure….just like a new tire. The motorcycle tires are manufactured with the same processes and quality assurance checks as our aircraft retreads. We use all types of carcass in our process, the types and designs are similar to what you would see coming off of any current bike.
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Retreads! Scary stuff. I agree with all above re look, safety, etc. You should always go for the best quality over looks any day, when it comes to something that is holding your life in it's hands! I thought coloured tyres went out years ago anyway.
I didn't think anyone would ever put retread and Z rated in the same sentence. BIG mistake.
Ok, I did some serious research and extensive testing. After several days in the lab I've come to the conclusion that those are FUGLY.

I would say "no offense, it's just my opinion", but in this case it's a fact.

As far as looks go, that's your personal decision. I'm the dude that is wearing wool Birkenstock clogs at this very moment, so I sure can't fault your personal tastes. Regarding safety though, that's much less subjective. Err on the side of caution and avoid those tires.
Im on your side... I like the colored tires.

I wouldn't use them for normal stuff though, but if I had one of those crazy hybussas with everything chromed and extended swing arm... you know the for show only type of bike then I could see these tires complimenting some color schemes.
Those would look good on that fuzzy motorcycle.


You would be pimpin' like Snoop

Bow wow wow yippie yo yippie yay.

Now would be a good time to have photoshop skillz.

Then you would have to get one of those helmet mohawks.
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I think it should be part of Man-Law, much like "Don't fruit the beer" . . . . "No colored cycle tires" :D