coast to coast ride begins tomorrow!

Glad to hear your trip is going well, after your rocky Chicago stay.
Looks like you are having a blast!!
I'm looking forward to more pics, and SilverFox, :welcome:
would someone show me how to attach a link. i thought i did it correctly but no link appeared
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Well i made it to california safe and sound. never having done this before. i was kind if surprised @ how exhausting it can be at times. i called siverfox to see how his ride is going. hopefully well. yesterday i rode down to arcata from eugene oregon. fortunately it stopped raining when i got to grants pass. by some major stroke of luck the coast was clear. i cant wait to do a trip like this again. only i need to have the time to fullly explore my surroundings next time.

Pictures by del1878 - Photobucket
Congratulations on an extraordinary feat!!! :bow::bow::bow:

Enjoyed the pics, too! :thumbup:
yeah. thank you. it was tough @ times. yellowstone proved the most difficult. i had to go so slow through the park that my heated vest drained the battery. without realizing it, i stopped to take a picture. i had to push start the bike in traffic while it was raining. i would really love to see yellowstone in the mid to late summer. fortunately it was a free day to be in the park. Idaho was blast to ride through. unfortunately i didnt have the time to ride through the sawtooth range. gotta leave something for next time. the last leg of my trip was spectacular. it was raining when i left eugene. however it cleared up at grants pass. perfect timing for my ride down the 199. it is full of 25 mile per hour turns. lots of elevation changes. and beautiful redwoods. in fact this weekend is the redwood run. portland to somewhere around here. mostly a harley thing though. i put the photobucket acct up post haste. ill be editing it and more pics. i tried to contact silverfox. no luck yet. hopefully his trip is going well. im amazed at my good fortune with the weather. all in all it was definitely favorable. I will surely be buying a new seat for any further long distance trips. my bike is truly the champ. other than needing a new tps by chicago and new front tire. she ran flawlessly. perfectly reliable. predictable to. there was never a sketchy moment. although it will probably take me a week to clean her. what an adventure.:thumbup:
Did you go swimming?

Glad you're safe man and that it was such a blast. What a group interest here! (Thanks for sharing this with us)
I noticed your jacket, I have the same one (I think) Cortec Tourmaster. I like it because it's warm and dry.

Stay safe on your trip, I would love to do a trip like that on my Yammie.. I look forward to your pics and tails. :thumbup:

yeah. its the best jacket ive owned. i also have the mesh version for really warm riding.
Glad you're safe man and that it was such a blast. What a group interest here! (Thanks for sharing this with us)

my pleasure. im not so savvy when it comes to photography. but i think there's a few worthwhile pics. It was great for me. because i need to know my limits. everything i encountered was easily managed. i have my eyes set on an adventure trip to south america. also, i just watched long way round with ewen mccgregor and charlie boorman. last night. that was very inspiring. thanks for everyone's interest in my trip.
Congratulations. It is awesome reading about your trip out there. That seems like a real accomplishment. Maybe I will try next summer.

Did you ever run low on gas?
Welcome back to California. I'm envious of your long trip, I only wish that I could take enough time off work to do what you did. :thumbup:
Congratulations. It is awesome reading about your trip out there. That seems like a real accomplishment. Maybe I will try next summer.

Did you ever run low on gas?

definitely. i took a scenic route. i thought there would be a gas station at this junction marked on the map. no such luck. i made it into rapid city s.d. on fumes. the hardest part of the trip were the long flat sections.