Close to that time of year to watch for deer!!!


Redneck MacGyver
Jun 12, 2011
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Over the next few months as the temperatures start to drop there will be a increase in deer activity up until around October to November where their activity will be at its peak (depending on your location) Around that time is when their biological clocks tell them "it's time to GET IT ON!!!" aka the rutt or mating season and they become even more unpredictable than normal when close to the road. Early morning and in the evening is when they will be most active and even late night when there is enough moon light that they can see so if your out riding keep your head on a swivel and if you happen to see a deer over the next few months while riding don't assume that it will stay on the side of the road (if that's where you see it) bucks can get the sent of a Doe and will stop at nothing to "get it" and if their nose tells them to cross the road right in front of you they will in the blink of a eye! If you do come across one on the side of the road slow down a bit and try to watch it without loosing focus of the road to be ready if it decides to run out in front of you. If you see one in the road obviously try your best to avoid hitting it but if the collision is unavoidable I've herd that the best thing to do is to hammer into it instead of hitting the brakes. This actually saved one of my buddies a few months back on his klr!

So everybody ride safe, keep your eyes open and if at all possible keep Bambi downrange of your scope not your bike!!!
One thing I would suggest when collision seems unavoidable is to try to aim for the "ass"... if the animal does decide to move at last possible moment, its first move will be forward so it improves your chances of avoiding it.
You're just trying to steal my PSA thunder. :D

I was just thinking about this sunject. Does anyone know if those little Deer warning doohickeys they put on cars work? If so they are going on my bike.
You're just trying to steal my PSA thunder. :D


I saw that thread but I didn't realize you were saying the same thing pretty much lol

I though it was about almost hitting a deer, I didn't read your post but just glazed over it and now I do feel like a D-Bag for pretty much doing exactly what you said lol

Who's a Tool? <<<THIS GUY<<<
And especially seeings how we all know that if you hit them and "scream for your momma" that they Poo on you you which is a sh$tty defense mechanism.. .. ..
pookamatic I think your thread was treaded upon. . .
View attachment 44775

CHEV! :spank: :spank: :spank:


Worst part is i actually saw his thread just didnt realize he was saying the same thing thought it was about almost hitting a deer, even when eric posted the link i still didnt realize lol i saw the title and figured it would be a good idea to post something like this..:banghead::banghead: pook beat me too it though

so once again sorry pookamatic:surrender::surrender::surrender::surrender:
And especially seeings how we all know that if you hit them and "scream for your momma" that they Poo on you you which is a sh$tty defense mechanism.. .. ..

No joke!! Hit one with my wife's SUV about 6 months ago... deer crap all over the side of the car!! Bastards!
And especially seeings how we all know that if you hit them and "scream for your momma" that they Poo on you you which is a sh$tty defense mechanism.. .. ..
No joke!! Hit one with my wife's SUV about 6 months ago... deer crap all over the side of the car!! Bastards!

But the question is, did you throw yourself on the ground and yell for your Momma? :D :D

I think of them as Rats with hooves! However, once refined into jerky they are less offensive. Perhaps even tasty!
But the question is, did you throw yourself on the ground and yell for your Momma? :D :D

I think of them as Rats with hooves! However, once refined into jerky they are less offensive. Perhaps even tasty!

Of course not! I called my mom on my cell phone and cried :rof: jk

Yup.. rats! Hate'em.. except for the taste :D
I hear your warnings brothers!

Over in the UK we have deer too and they are a real menace. They tend to be quite small generally. They're pretty well camouflaged too. Usually on 2 legs not 4 and possibly wearing a suit. They emerge suddenly from the herd with no care for the dangers and - the dead give-away, ALWAYS with a cell phone clamped to one ear!!

We're not allowed guns over here but we do view these dumb animals as a kind of sport. We like to swerve real close to see if we can knock the cell out of their stupid hooves :Sport:!