Close call finger casualty..

Oct 11, 2010
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Cleaning the rear wheel today with plastic gloves to keep my hands from stinking of degreaser,
they got caught with a rag in one of the sprocket nuts while rotating the wheel..
It was that kind of pain where you don't moan or swear; it went beyond that.
As it turns out tho, the nail itself escaped injury, and all I had was a cut below it..
Has anyone been caught by those damn nuts? I did this many years ago too :spank:
Not yet. But when I was 12 or so we all rode our Dirt Bikes to the General Store for grub & gas. I told my friend he had a stick in his rear spokes and he was promptly on a mission to remove it. While rolling the bike on the ground the chain and sprocket REMOVED the tip of his finger leaving it on the bike.

I'm guessing that moment taught me something I never forgot.

Glad You're OK! Really!
No but I've whacked 2 of my fingers with a hatchet splitting wood... If I had not hit my nails they'd probably be calling me "Stubby". Watching them give me stitches through my nail bed while I was fully awake wasn't so fun, especially considering the nurse was TEACHING the other lady doing the stitches!! :(
Get caught between swingarm and a sprocket bolt? If so I did it. I may have been turning my wheel slower than you cause I avoided and "serious" injury and just got a good pinch to remember!

On the plus side, looks like the glove held up so it should be a clean wound.
good thing you didnt try to do it with the engine running, or youd only be able to count to 9.5....

I got my hand stuck in the serpentine belt on my truck once, i was pulling the belt on while my dad was "holding" the slack... hurt like hell but not as scary as that.

My closest call so far was when i got my first bike ever, a 2002 honda XR100r. I as riding in this easement property behind my street (govt. owned - shhhhh dont tell) and my cluth line snapped and i went full throttle in 3rd through a series of bushes. i was clotheslined by a branch. im not sure what kind of plant it was but it had thorns about 4" long. it cut the side of my neck and another one went all the way to the bone in my arm. The doctor was surprised that i still have full function of my right forearm.

The only thing i can relate the bush to is this:
we had a Bradford Pear tree in my front yard that my parents planted when i was born.... blah blah.... Anyway the tree was struck by lightning about 10 years ago now. the tree grew split trunks and branches with these same thorns:
Yup! I've done it where one of those nut caught my finger as it rotated and crunched it at the swing arm. Hated it! :eek: Killed the nail and everything.
I've seen too many finger removals from sprockets. If I'm getting up close with it while cleaning, it had better be at a dead stop.