Chills & Thrills Police Motorbike Event


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May 5, 2007
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A fundraiser event to generate and donate to the local Ronald McDonold House of Idaho at the High Desert Harley-Davidson Dealership in Meridian Id. Motorpatrol officers from various police agencies around the Boise area help sponsor this event so that riders such as myself have an opportunity to ride with the cops on a course modeled on the drills that they trained on to become a motorpatrol officer. It was a great way to meet and interact with the cops who might be pulling me over, so best to make friends now while I have a chance.

LOL on their license plate frames.

So if you sign a waiver, and have the minimal riding gear and you and your bike is legal, it's an open course. The cops were having just as much fun as the handful of bikes that tried to tackle the course.

Yes, we've seen and probably been in this position before out on the streets. This time, these cops were here to coach and help the riders master the course. At least one cop was stationed at each drill to watch and coach if needed, and to help pick up the bike in the event that there was a drop, and trust me, there were a lot! Including about four cops.


There were probably about a 100 bikes at the event, and maybe 10-12 riders who actually went onto the course. I probably was out there the most, at one point I had one cop who activated his lights and he was following me on his Honda ST, like playing follow the leader. He would enter the circle with me, flying W, etc. Needless to say, I could not lose him. Just too bad there was not a picture of that.

You can follow the events picture album on facebook on the link below where there are several pictures of me going through the drills.

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Good one!!



Hey, careful where you point that thing. Don't aim it at me!;) Interestingly, I watched a few years ago a similiar police motorbike competition/demonstration in Sacramento that included Harley police specials. They scraped around endlessly while the BMW's proved to be much better. And, yeah, I observed a few cops drop. Unfortuanately, the event wasn't open to civilian riders.
Looks like a "Critical Angle" there. How much is left before doom occurs? :eek:

Although they are at slow speeds, these are precission riding drills that requires you to work the bike, putting it where you need to, and you are litterally pushing that bike nearly 100%. Needing to do 180 turns 360 circles in less than 18 feet requires you to lean that bike over to get the maximum turning radius. Needless to say, I have zero chicken strips on my tires.
Very cool!

I had a chance to ride a 1200RT for about an hour awhile back. I was amazed how well it handled at low (walking) speeds. It literally felt like it had training wheels and would not fall over. It no wonder the motor officers like them.

Lucky you to be able to not only participate in the event, but also get some coaching from experts who do that type of riding for a living. :thumbup:

I obtained a video from a guy from Japan who posted up on You Tube. The video of me was from the morning, where I was just getting accustomed to the drills so I was going pretty slow and was not able to find my zone yet.

Crash at the end very end of the video from the rider who posted this video.

Chills & Thrills Police Motorcycle Event Boise Idaho 6-15-2013 - YouTube
Nice!! Is the sun + odd angles or were your headlights completely off?
Thanks for sharing the video! I love watching that stuff.

It's one heck of a workout and the motor officers make it look like a walk in the park.

You looked great! How pumped up was your left forearm after working the clutch during the drill?

Nice!! Is the sun + odd angles or were your headlights completely off?

I disconnected one light. Didn't want to end up with a low battery.

Thanks for sharing the video! I love watching that stuff.

It's one heck of a workout and the motor officers make it look like a walk in the park.

You looked great! How pumped up was your left forearm after working the clutch during the drill?


My hands were like rubber at the end of the day. The event was from 0900-1300. I was getting really fatiqued at the end, and was making a lot of mistakes. So there was about a two hour window where I was in the zone. Just surprised how many riders were there with their bikes, and did not ride through the drills.