Chevyfazer done did it again...


Redneck MacGyver
Jun 12, 2011
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I blew it the F*** UP!!! Trying to drift it with a busted up clutch in no second gear. Somehow in the process the tranny got locked up and me popping the clutch ditched the chain and did this... I have a tennis ball size hole in my crankcase and this crazy SOB is gonna try to weld it up!!!
God... That poor bike. Fix it up and do it again!


I would say without a doubt the fz6 is a better built platform. Apparently the R1s and Fz1s from these year ranges are notorious for transmission issues stemming from the clutch. It has about the same size clutch disc as the Fz6 but with way more power so naturally they tend to burn up quick.
I would say without a doubt the fz6 is a better built platform. Apparently the R1s and Fz1s from these year ranges are notorious for transmission issues stemming from the clutch. It has about the same size clutch disc as the Fz6 but with way more power so naturally they tend to burn up quick.

But it was the chain that made the hole? Cause its the starter and mag that reside inside the newly found crankcase breather.

- - - -

On another note: plz stay away from my GF! Blah
Oh yeah I'm almost positive its the chain that did the damage. Some in the process of rotating bike back from a left slide to a right slide the transmission locked up and when I pumped the clutch it finally broke free I stopped and oil was pouring out. I actually rode it home another 10miles like that and didn't see the hole until I.pulled the chain cover
I'm guessing when I was popping the clutch the chain jumped or something to cause it.
With how you treat bikes I'm wondering how your living quarters look? My first guess is like something you'd see on an episode of Hoarders only with broken bike parts stacked up everywhere. :rolleyes:
Lol I make quite a few runs to the scrap yard to make sure that don't happen. I take my frustrations out on my toys so they tend to get beat on pretty bad. But its begun, went and bought a motorcycle lift table to make the repairs easier.
Just some random transmission bits I pulled out of the oil pan including part of a clutch disc....
The Giant Hole; do have the chunk or is it on the road somewhere or is it in the case as tiny chunks?

What is that long steel part with the hole in it? Ouch! poor engine! :(
Yeah I've collected most of the pieces of the case and if I had to guess that's the shift fork for 2nd gear
Its not over, I know, but this comes to mind.. .. ..

[ame=""]The Doors - The End [/ame] :spank::spank:
Lol the damndest thing though, the SOB still runs! I rode it 10 miles home like this!!!