checking in, and i wish it was with better news...


Samurai FZ Soldier
Elite Member
Nov 29, 2007
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Hillsborough, NH
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Hey guys, It has been a LONG winter for me and i just barely got the bike out on the road. I rode it to work twice this week and only rode it back once:spank:.

I was on a straight road at about 8pm, 40 degrees out and for the life of me i don't entirely know what happened. a car in front of me pulled into my lane and i hat my brakes and felt the front tire start to slide (not sure if it was just cold road or if there was something on it...) next thing i know i am on the ground with someone telling me not to get up. did a quick check on my extremities and they were all there and all moved on their own. So i got up and ran over and picked up my bike to assess that. Just as i picked it up a police officer showed up on scene and did the requisite questions and check if i was ok.

Apparently i was on enough adrenalin to pass because he let me go and i rode off. and only got a couple blocks before pulling over to actually look over the bike for myself out of traffic. some people i work with has been following me as they saw the whole thing and they tried to convince me to put my bike in their car (still not sure how they thought that was going to happen, but it was a nice gesture). We compromised and they convinced me to call Keira (wife) and that i should only ride it 3 miles back to work instead of 40 miles back home.

in the 1 hour wait for Keira to get me i sat in their car and the pain started to set in and i was glad i wasn't riding. on the way home it got to the point that i told Keira to detour to the ER to get checked out. and found this:

Probably have some broken ribs too, but can't X-ray those without raising my arm, and nothing they can do with broken ribs anyway, so i said skip it...

Gear saved my noggin, face and rash on my arms and torso:



But the bike certainly held up better than i did :)



Parts can be fixed, bones will heal, most of all, its good to hear you are ok! Best wishes.
I'm glad you're ok (compared to the alternative) but that's a horrible way to bring in the riding season! Hope the parts hunt and replacement goes well for ya. It may be a lil tricky doing one arm repairs though.
As noted, a crappy way to start the season.

We all feel for you on the bike but glad you had gear and that you were able to walk away. Clavicle can be a painful injury!

Hope you get the bike back to shape soon and you heal just as quickly.


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Sorry to hear about the Off. Glad you had all the gear on. Hope you heal up quick. If you have to go back to the doc see if you can get sliders attached to you. I got some parts from my 09 that you can have if you need em. Fender,turnsignals and stock exhaust are ready to go if it helps.
sucks to hear reio... heal up quick... was the car at fault (sure was nice of them to pull in front of you and stuff)???
Wishing you speedy recovery - feel better. Sorry to hear about the accident - this sucks big time :-(
Wow, glad it wasn't any worse! Amazing that adrenaline can allow you to get up and ride away from something like that. :eek:
Ouch! That helmet photo is scary. Glad to hear you went to ER to get checked out. I hope you heal up soon. Sounds to me like you maybe hit some black ice as you were braking, but just a guess based on the temp. you reported.
Sorry to hear of this, Reiobard.

Enjoy the meds, and the time off work. Use the time to find the parts to repair the bike. Follow the Dr's recommendations to the letter. Start PT as soon as they tell you to, and do everything they suggest.

Mobility and range of motion are going to be determined by how much effort you put in under supervision.
Brutal. Glad you are relatively 'ok.' When is your surgery? They are likely going to do some pinning of that clavicle to hold it in place while it heals. Make sure you follow-up with physio when the time comes. You are right about the ribs, not much you can do, unless you have a flail segment... Doesn't sound like it though.

You bike looks fixable, which is good news. Like I said, glad you're ok.
Damn. That looks bloody painful. I hope you heal up OK.

In the frame slider pic, that isn't a crack in the frame under the slider is it?

Hope not, but it sure looks like one with the slider bent down like that:(.
Shoulder will heal, you'll be back to proper shape and all will be well again.

Sucks that it was at the start of the season though, but it is what it is.

Definitely glad it wasn't any worse.
Dang Rob, that sucks! Glad to hear that it wasn't worse though. Were the docs able to set that collarbone, or are you going to need surgery?

Anyway, heal up quick man.
I'm really sorry to read about your accident. I'm glad to read that overall you're OK.

I hope you get better soon

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Very sorry to hear this :(

Collar bone is a relatively quick healing one. 4 weeks should do it. Broken or even bruised ribs suck, but those too will feel quite a bit better in 4 weeks. So all in all, as others have said, it could have been much worse.
And the bike doesn't look that bad either!

Heal well and quick!
Sorry to hear this and I do know how this stuff can hurt. They did have me raise my arms to X-ray my ribs. F*****!!!!!! :eek:I broke 3 ribs and couldn't lay in my bed for 3 weeks. Get better soon!!!