changing lanes when traffic stopped


Junior Member
Jul 4, 2014
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I had an interesting traffic situation. I was exiting a corner gas station and needed to make an immediate left at the intersection, so I drove mostly perpendicular through stopped traffic and made it to the left hand turn lane. There was perfect visibility all the cars were stopped. Midway, through the maneuver I see a police vehicle staring at me, and easily in a position to tail/pull me over. I thought for sure, I would immediately get pulled over but I guess they didn't feel like it?


Things that helped I think. Fully geared, and a I have top case. I feel like they give more respect to non punk looking riders.

Is this crossing multiple lanes of traffic and wrong way violations ? I've attached a picture to make it pretty clear of the situation. Any thoughts?
In my country, I think that would be considered an illegal merge - you are supposed to merge in the lane closest to the gas station exit and then gradually move lane by lane to your left turn.

Obviously, in your situation this was not possible, and given the fact that you did it carefully and didn't push/bully your way through, and that they probably saw you exiting the gas pump they let it slide as most cops, at least here where I live would.
Sounds like you did it slowly and in a safe manner...that helps a lot.

Next time pull a wheelie or two....that'll get you a ticket for sure. Blah
Sounds like you did it slowly and in a safe manner...that helps a lot.

This ^^^, plus 1..

I've done the exact thing myself(also from a station). All cars are stopped, eye contact and cross lanes slowly and carefully.

*As a retired PO of 25 years, I would NOT have stopped you. There's way more actual, illegal road maneuver's going on out there..

Had you received a ticket, once in court, the Officer would not look good and (at least down here), you'd get a warning from the judge.
The judge would always remember that cop (for the rest of his career) as to poor judgement, etc.. Something most cops DON'T want.
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